MovieChat Forums > The Plan (2009) Discussion > What was up with the dick?

What was up with the dick?



LOL...I saw that...they could have at least given a full frontal shot of one of the hot women to balance out teh schlong.

"Welcome to the internet, everyone knows everything, and no one likes anything"


...and a seeing a penis bothers you?

Oh dear...


did I say that?

I'm not some teen or tween who thinks seeing a dick is going to make him catch teh gayz.

I just thought it was a really odd editing choice.

"Welcome to the internet, everyone knows everything, and no one likes anything"



So What your saying is the show ended up with dick so the BSG team thought it best to show one.

Ok now i get it.


...and seeing someone on an internet forum who may be bothered by seeing a penis bothers you?

Oh dear indeed...


We had the topless bartender on Picon.


They basically did give one full-frontal shot of a womyn. Heck, ya know what? Even if they did, it does not matter---that is everything that is wrong with sci-fi television these days right there. Naked people just walkin' around with absolutely no service done to the plot on account of the nudity is a cheap way to attract viewers of the male variety [while turning off viewers of the female variety, who studies have shown tend not to get aroused by visual stimuli regardless of the gender of the body doing the stimulating].
This is an incredible show, which now thanks to that one all-too-lengthy scene will now be remembered as "that sci-fi show in which various extras stripped naked for the opportunity to be remembered as 'that redhead carrying the towel with the perky boobs on BSG'". How frakked up is that?


Some questions are best answered by watching the DVD commentary.

Computer says, "No."



So did they say anything about the extra nudity and the dick on the commentary? I don't have any problems with nudity or explicit sex in series or movies, but it should fit a purpose... even though of course people are nude in a shower room... ;P


The problem wasn't even that they showed a wang, but that they deliberately zoomed in on it, like how they zoom in on raiders in space. What the hell where they thinking.


Exactly. They zoomed right in on it as if to say "We're showing dicks now."


Any other random dick shots in movies?
Maybe Wild Things?



It's funny too to ponder the casting/directing/editing of that scene. Did Olmos have schlong castings? Have to have a certain length so the camera doesn't have to keep zooming. Was Olmos there when editing asking "where's the dick zoom?"


The thread I posted will answer all your questions. Really.

17 minute posting quota





Yeah, how come they would never show a vagina ? (only tits of women)Why not be fair and show a close-up of a pussy to balance things out...especially since most of their viewers are male! Breasts (which is only non-genital female nudity) is certainly not equal to showing a close-up of a dick (which is male genital nudity). They could have shown a close-up of a hot woman in the shower scrubbing her coochie instead...


especially since most of their viewers are male!
[citation needed], as they say on wikipedia. You have a source to substantiate this assertion?

I'm an island- peopled by bards, scientists, judges, soldiers, artists, scholars, & warrior-poets.


Who cares? I do. I want to know why there was a dick in Battlestar Galactica: The Plan. So do a lot of these other people posting in this thread.


Because it makes people like you uncomfortable and that's hilarious.


It didn't make me uncomfortable. I actually related to it. I have one. And by "people" like me, are you referring to vegetarians or Agnostics, of which I'm both?


i think he's referring to Agnostic vegetarians who are not bothered by seeing dick on tv... durrrr...


it wasnt the fact that there was a penis, i kind of laughed because the camera literally zoomed in at it. Seriously, zooming in on a penis, its like they just wanted to point out how they could.


Yes I think the bizarre zooming was rather pathetic.


That's actually what it was:

17 minute posting quota


So do we think Caprica will continue with the penis thing?


Hahaha, thank you for posting that, I can't stop laughing!

"Zoom in on the cock".... in Olmos's voice....

Just amazing


Yeah, well why don't they show a C. UNT next time and zoom in on it!


HAHA! Nice one. I can just imagine Olmos' gravelly voice going, "zoom in on the cock, zoom in on the cock!"... priceless.

My favourite Kardashian is Krell Moset


Meanwhile in the CIC... (The Plan)


Felix Gaeta: Sir, we have multiple DRADIS contacts!!

Commander Adama: Zoom in on da cack!!

Colonel Tigh: Wat?

Felix Gaeta: Yeaaaaaaaaaaah.


eauxry is correct. The answer to everyone's question is right there in the commentary and makes sense, if one agrees that the nude scenes in The Plan make sense.


What's wrong? You've never seen a penis before?


I don't know. Can you show me? Just to confirm?


Somebody, somewhere on this messageboard, said something like this: "It's Olmos' way of saying 'Oh, yeah, in this new medium, we can show tits and ass now.'"

Personally? I felt like either the cameraman was gay, or that it was a blatant "y'know, since we couldn't show you this while we were on SciFi, here's nudity to its fullest..."


would you bunch of wimps complain if it was a shot of a vagina?


I didn't give a damn about the dick (nor any of the breasts in this show, very nice :)), I just thought it odd they bothered with more explicit gratuitous nudity in this special unlike sticking to the implicit (but still gratuitous at times) nudity in the regular show.



Why am I a wimp? And I guess I have to clarify this again: I am NOT complaining in this post. As the subject heading says, I was just curious to know "what was up with the dick?" Some of yo boarders always want to turn every post about a dick into some lengthy back and forth about homophobia or racism. It's within my rights to ask about a dick without being labelled as some kind of ignoramus and I'm offended that I can never broach the topic without said assumptions. I would for once just enjoy being able to post a thread on here about a dick and have a healthy conversation pertaining to it without all the political babble you guys spout. If you're not comfortable having an adult conversation about the dick that appeared in Battlestar Galactica: The Plan, then why did you click on this thread? That's an answer I would really like to hear from you over eager argumentative lurkers.

Now, as for Misagh's question, let's think about that. I'd guess the editors would probably feel some kind of responsibility in terms of representing the actor and his member AS they appeared on set, rather than taking any kind of creative license with the footage. BSG has always been about realism despite all of the sci fi techno included in it. Food for thought. What do you think?


The nudity felt out of place and more like "let's put tits here so teenage boys will buy the dvd" than "this is just realism". It cheapened the movie a bit.


They literally put it there because they could. Watch this:



I don't want this thread to just fade away. Weren't there breasts in that scene as well? They never showed breasts on the show, either. This thread doesn't just have to be about dick.


Well, i rememeber seeing breasts too. I did watch the scene with the penis with the commentary on (I do not have it now since it was a rental). They do make mention of it ,but I'm not sure if they give a reason , even if one is needed. As far as i am concerned a reason is not needed.


The problem is the way the nudity is presented. You can almost hear them saying:"Look, boobies!" behind the camera. It looks like something some idiot studio executive told them to add in to sell more discs. Especially when there's no nudity elsewhere in the series. It just doesn't fit in with the rest of the show.



No ginn gt, we wouldn't complain if it was a VAGINA, but guess what? They NEVER show a VAGINA on cable tv series or mainstream movies...only penises. All we ever get to see of women are boobs, and sometimes bush, but never actual FEMALE genitalia. I have NEVER seen a close-up of female genitalia (labia and/or anus) only male genitalia. We men are complaining because its an unfair double-standard! Have a woman bending over in the shower scrubbing her legs and zoom in for a close-up of her *beep* and then things would be fair and I'll stop complaining. But they will never show that, will they? That's why we complain. They show dicks but never vaginas.


I didn't see that, i noticed a lot of full frontal female nudity but 0 penis. Who's was it?


I had to re-scan through this just to see what I missed. That's it? BIG FREAKING DEAL. Grow up, people. Some extra in a mixed sex bathroom scene is naked for a fraction of a second, and ALL THIS because of it. Big whoop. What a bunch of juveniles.


See, this is the ultimate reason why the Cylons wanted humans dead. Co-ed showers, topless bartenders, they're not putting up with any of that!

Guess what! I've got a fever, and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL! -Bruce Dickinson-


where is this scene that everyone is making such a big deal of? i didn't see anything in my copy. maybe its been edited in later releases??


Youre right it did seem like the camera was going to pan away and then just squared up on a clear side shot of just a guys crotch.

Much more awkward than the female nudity shots..

"Yes, as a matter of fact, we'll probably use algebra like mad today.." -Killface
