MovieChat Forums > Død snø (2009) Discussion > Stupid dread-headed b!tch...

Stupid dread-headed b!tch...

Don't you know never to sneak up on a guy when he's in the middle of killing Nazi zombies??? Dummy!!!

She deserved to get iced!

I wish I were a Warhol silk screen hanging on the wall...


Ha! I was thinking the same thing. Maybe standing back a good distance & yelling his name woulda done the trick.....


Yeah, that was a pretty stupid thing to do.

Pretty awesome how they let a comic relief character like Martin be the one to survive until the very end. Usually it's a chick. I like it when horror movies break the formula a bit.


Yeah, I don't know what the writer was thinking to script that particular way of dying. It seems like the dumbest death I remember of any movie, what it probably means is they were rushed for time and hadn't thought of a way to get rid of her character before the solo ending.


Descent had the exact same kind of scene, which is kind of stupid considering how serious that movie was supposed to be.


It seems like the dumbest death I remember of any movie...
Ironically before that she'd pretty much had her sh!t together, getting herself out of a couple of ticklish situations, only to go and tap her boyfriend on the shoulder when he's in the middle of a zombie - killing frenzy. My first thought was, "You have to be kidding.


Why would she climb back up the mountain?




I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Seemed to me like they borrowed that from The Descent, where Juno was wailing on those creatures and Beth (IIRC) came up behind her... It worked better there, IMO.


The bitch deserved to die.
