Wrong message for kids

i wasnt impressed with the message.. friends who saw it told me about the story line. i feel strongly about not advocating animals in circuses. I nthis day and age, we need to be teaching the new generations to respect the animal kingdom. there just should not have been a "circus" storyline where all the animals are having a blast (animals in circuses are miserable) I hate that this movie depicted animals choosing the ""amazing"" circus life over living free in the wild.. I am sure the animation and all that is highly and glamorisingly addictive but the message its just so wrong. Dreamworks are in such a great position to teach kids positive things about animals and about our planet but they glamorise animal exploitation instead and glamorise all the bad things..I was a massive fan of the original where they seek their jungle homes..hm..Anyway i guess i need to see it to really judge but i am so far boycotting it when i heard they glamorised the circus life.. Shame Hollywood film makers.. thoughts ??


Spoilers I guess?

you are right, but technically the animals owned their own circus. They buy the circus from the evil humans and create their own stunts and they don't have owners. While what you are saying is completely right at least here they don't have any handlers.
It is true that animals suffer in the circus. But I guess at least there were no humans near them at all and in fact this movie portrays humans as evil, both with the circus clowns selling the thing and with the animal hunter lady.

I mean, I liked the movie a lot and I enjoyed watching it. Maybe the fact that there were no human handlers made it better for me?
I'll look down, and whisper no


Okay portraying the humans as evil is something.. I still feel strongly that having then enjoy themself in a circus was a 'wrong story line' thats all. animal activists are fighting all around the world so tirelessly to get get animals in circuses banned for good.. in this modern age we should be completley banishing this idea of animals any where near a circus (its just one of those things i feel strongly about) the writers couldve found another amazing storyline.. that didnt support animals as 'performers' Anyway its my opinion (children will keep thinking animals belong naturally in circuses if they keep seeing it portrayed as normal)


yeah sadly I understand what you mean, They could have made the movie about the animals leaving the circus I guess it would have been better.

I'll look down, and whisper no


When I was little I had a mean step mother. It didn't help that all those Disney heroines had the same situation. Cinderella, Snow White, orphans with mean step mothers. I guess the idea of a happy family was as foreign to filmmakers then as sit com writers now.

This is a circus that joined forces with zoo animals. They are all happy. There are a great many good messages in this film. A lot to do with understanding and friendship. Can that be a bad thing?

Your attitude toward the circus issue is valid and commendable. Your children are alto more likely to emulate you than a movie.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Director of Chaos, Whimsy & Euphoria


This is a circus that joined forces with zoo animals. They are all happy. There are a great many good messages in this film. A lot to do with understanding and friendship. Can that be a bad thing?

no, and i agree about the circus issue


For me, it's the opening of your post that is most telling: "friends told me..." Before you judge a movie's worth and message, I recommend watching it first.

I know that in the real world, circus animals are horribly mistreated. Then again, in the real world lions, hippos, zebras, and giraffes don't team up for wacky adventures.


It is a circus run by animals not run by humans. Did you even watch the movie? Also in a couple of scenes it was implied that there was some cruel training (the bear scene). Another thing is that you also have confused what the message of the movie is and what is in the movie. The message of the movie was to believe in the impossible, don't doubt your abilities, and don't waste your life away by not using your talents. In this sense the setting of a circus was perfect. The circus animals (as mentioned before) are the owners of the circus and run the show and since they act identical to humans it's not quite the same.

I would say that it was quite appropriate with what they did. I thought about it once or twice if they were going to mention animal abuse, but remember throughout the movie series Alex has always loved being with humans. Why didn't you have a problem back then? Then was teaching kids that animals are safe and love humans and that it is okay to interact with animals which is in reality rather dangerous and usually leads to the animal dying when it become too fond of people.

The movie is specifically made like a cartoon. Don't sweat about it. Actually watch it.


For me simply.. it was the choice to have it set in a circus/ a circus storyline. i must admit its an emotional/personal reaction because of what i know about the truth of animals and the misery they endure in circuses. I am an animal rights activists, i have travelled the world and seen first hand the cruelty involved and am fighting for a future where animals are never associated with circus.. a new compassionate modern world where the mere idea of animals and circuses is foreign / ancient / The thing is.. the very young kids (and thses are the ones begging mum and dad to see the movies.. they will affiliate animals in a circus scenario normal as they have seen it over and over. I am advocating for change and that this association is never made for the better of the future for all the animals suffering in circuses. It may seem extreme but for me the only way to stop the cruelty is to stop the association completely, it is the only way to change a cruel out dated old fashion exploitative practise. I am sure they were going for positive messages i just wish they found a more creative way. thank you for your feedback. you have valid points i believe it will always be the wrong message associating animals, even the cartoon type with being entertainers in a circus


Okay I guess that makes sense. The thing is that circuses are already on their way out (at least in America) as I haven't seen or heard of one in years. I do get your point, but I guess since that I'm old enough to know better it doesn't bother me. But yeah some younger audiences might get the wrong idea.


I applaud your voice for the animals and activism, but I think the main point of the circus and it's animals was to educate and expose kids and adult to the real animals. Not to see them cooped up in a zoo behind a cage, but to see then in action, display their traits..and maybe have fun.
I love animals way more than humans and fully believe they dererve way more respect than given.
If you are really that passionate about animals, use your clout to make sure the ones that are still in circuses get the rights and respect they deserve. Get them paid as real performers get paid, same rights, same or better regulations. Since we can't control the poaching and killing going on inmost of their native habitats, circuses may be the last and safe refuge these babies have. Also it may be all they know and may not be able to go back home because of their domestication.
So yes to circuses (maybe change the name) and use the venues to educate the masses and entertain.

And again, it's a movie for goodness sake. Look at the big picture, no pun intended. If you want to advocate, make it a movie like this.


I agree with @suzymarkovski's point entirely.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if future generations did not associate wild animals with Circuses?

When I was a kid, it was socially acceptable for children to see lions, tigers, bears and elephants in circuses. We had no clue about the terrible abuse that these animals suffered at the hands of their trainers/handlers/abusers. In the UK the most celebrated circus was Chipperfields. Eventually their 'methods' were caught on camera 'http://youtu.be/9-xwKJgL534'.

http://youtu.be/hYgDa3nSp9I. It is still not illegal to use wild animals in US or UK circuses. Some US circuses are voluntarily retiring their elephants but not all. The latest Chipperfield circus act still has lions and tigers in Scotland.

Use of wild animals in circuses is still prevalent, especially in Asia. Teeth are smashed out with metal bars. Claws/toes removed. Animals are 'broken' through inhumane bearings. There was wonderful news this summer when rescued circus lions from Colombia and Peru were flown to South Africa http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-36157483. These animals had been terribly abused.

It would be wonderful if popular culture didn't validate wild animals in circuses in any way... Even with a plot twist where the animals buy the circus.


You may start by stopping being a little butthurt bitch, don't you think?


Seriously, it's a cartoon, it's funny. Get over it!


yes I have a thought your a moron & this is just a kids movie idiot


Highly doubt that kids will ever even think about that. Even for me, I'm 20 and all i thought was "karma's going to get you" and "be loyal to your friends"



Firstly to answer your question Strawberry twist; Yes i am. I became vegetarian in 2011 and fully vegan in July last year after extensive research and finding out the cruelty involved in animal and animal by products. I was blind and ignorant like the masses but the blinders are off now. I actively campaign against animal cruelty. being that i am pro-activley out there trying to open other people's eyes to what i have been educated on, then no i dont believe i am a hypocrite. I'm not a perfect person but i am definitely trying my best to make change towards the future.. Which brings me to this subject

regardless of veganism or not.. My passion started with the use of exotic animlas in the circus. so my point was as long as represent them creatures that are used for entertainment, to mock, laugh at and force to do un-natural things, kids will see this as the norm (I understand that the film has good messages about friendship etc) and it may seem extreme to some but i just believe the sooner animals are removed from the 'idea' of them as performers the better

I'm not sure if u are vegan, regardless, i understand your point, but i still think it is reasonable for any person who wants to fight an area of exploitation for animals they should be able to (especially if it makes a big difference and helps to end cruelty) it doesnt help to throw veganism at people who see it as a stretch and are still in the early stages of their awakening. you cant win every fight but it doesnt help to alienate people who only have the welfare of animals in their hearts.

I simply dont like animals being represnted as performers, I myself am a film maker and love the industry but we all know that Hollywood (and some advertising) is the biggest culprit of exploiting animals for a bit of entertainment. for me an animal does not belong on a movie set. anyway enough said. thank you for your point of view. peace and love to u
