MovieChat Forums > To Save a Life (2010) Discussion > Propaganda Film disguised as Teen Drama

Propaganda Film disguised as Teen Drama

The movie looks, feels, sounds, an IS nothing more than Christian Propaganda. It is transparent, obvious, simplistic, and uses common tactics to recruit followers. The confused, troubled, or generally unsatisfied masses will almost always look for inclusion in SOMETHING so they don't feel isolated. Religion loves to prey on those in need. I am reminded that although your imaginary friend Jesus may love you, the rest of us find you an elitist, non-including, hypocritical *beep*

Please people, if you have a mind of your own feel free to watch this film. But do not dwell on it. The message is simple. Be a Christian or bad things happen. Oh wait, but even if you are a Christian bad things happen. Oh well, let the HypoChristians tell you what this film really means. Then realize it for what it actually is.

Propaganda and a recruiting device for a dwindling myth that no longer appeals to the sane, educated, free thinkers of the world that aren't interested in fear mongering story tellers and would rather take personal direct responsibility for actions and incidents in this world. Instead of blaming it on or thanking an Invisible Space Daddy that lives in the clouds judging you that promises eternal life and happiness, WE the sane people of this world take responsibility for our actions, pride in work well done, and enjoy THIS life instead of worrying and planning for a life here after that may or may not exist.


And what would you call the crap they put on TV? Is that not propaganda? Everything you see on television is some's opinion, someone's idea of the way things should be, someone's take on reality? But tell me, how many people actually live the way we see on TV? How much of TV is relatable to our lives and how much of it is what we wish it could be? How much of what we see on TV do we mimick in our own lives trying to live up to this glamorized fantasy? At least this movie attempts for us to take responsibility for our own actions. I just wished someone would have actually said that to Jake when he was blaming God for his actions. His actions is what got him into trouble in the first place. At least this movie attempts to influence its audience in a positive, productive manner. How many films and television shows do that? Usually it's the other way around, encouraging others to be stupid, self destructive, and immature. No one cares about values anymore, and all want to blame someone else when things go wrong in their lives, never realizing that every small desicion they make will have consequences. Whether or not they are clever enough to put the pieces together are realize how their reality came to be is another story.


Yes if you're a Christian bad things happen. Do you know the phrase "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Well I say why on earth to good things happen to bad people, especially when the world is full of them. If you say hypocritical Christians in this movie then it was being realistic. Some of us are worse than others but that doesn't mean that God isn't good or that the movie isn't good.

The movie is about a lot more than being a Christian. It's about a whole range of things that really exist. Teen pregnancy, teen suicide, divorce, bullying, it's all real and this gives ways of dealing with it. It shows people the consequences of those actions without faith even being a part of the equation. Jake and Amy could have been church going Christians and still slipped up and gotten pregnant. And they could have chosen adoption (which I think was the best option for them) without the help of the church.

I'm not saying we don't need God but we don't always need Him to make the right decision or to be someone's friend. This movie showed us to think about our futures, to think about others, and to treat them with the respect they deserve.

"My best friend was born in a manger!"

