Not as enjoyable without the 3D

I remember seeing this when it came out in theaters and me and my friends had a blast. Not only was the movie really funny and made for a good Christmas comedy, but they really went all out with the 3D and had a lot of fun with it opposed to other movies at the time which were more focused on using 3D to create greather depth in the picture.

Watched it again last night and while it's still very enjoyable, it's so obvious meant for 3D that it was actually a bit distracting and loses some of it's charm as well as jokes not working in the 2D format because it's so obviously meant for 3D.

I wish like Jackass 3D they would release a copy of this that includes the cheap red and blue 3D glasses. 3D obviously wouldn't look as good as it did in theaters, but I'm not sure if I would watch this one again if I couldn't see a 3D version of it.


I'm in the opposite boat. Missed it in the theater because I was only 16. But I now have a 3D TV and the 3D blu and it's really enjoyable!
