Not at all funny

When I finally laughed for the first time in this movie, I looked at my watch out of curiosity. It was an hour and ten minutes into the film.

A full hour and 10 mins into the film before the first funny part.

That is just sad.

To be fair, it's not quite as bad as 'Escape From Guantanamo Bay', but DAMN this movie sucked.

It's a shame...the first Harold & Kumar was such a nice comedy surprise. These sequels have been beyond bad. It's sad, really.

“Am I a man or am I a Muppet? If I’m a Muppet, well I’m a very manly Muppet"


Agreed. This was just terrible. I loved the first and place it in my top 5 stoner comedies. The second one sucked, indeed, but this p.o.s third installment makes 2 seem flawless. I can't believe I wasted a perfectly fine blunt before watching this monstrosity.

If we wanna hear you talk, I will shove my arm up your ass and work your mouth like a puppet!


They made too many selfaware jokes that weren't funny, catering to the 3D aspect and XMAS way too much.


I laughed... several times. I didn't time how long it took, because I'm not THAT anal-retentive... but it didn't take as long as an hour. *shrugs*

Also, if you laughed - even once - then it must have been funny to some degree, so your subject line of 'not at all funny' is inaccurate...

(THAT'S how I'm anal-retentive)

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Eh it happens. I watched Scrubs for 7 seasons before I laughed for the first time!
