MovieChat Forums > Fallout (2024) Discussion > What do people who have never played the...

What do people who have never played the games think of the show?

Fans of the game should love it, since they will recognize a lot of the stuff they have seen in the games. But how will those resonate with non-gamers and regular viewers? For instance, do they wonder why everyone wears that funny-looking blue suit and bulky wrist device? Early in the first episode, when the main characters says, "Raiders!" (which every Fallout fan knows what it means), do the regular viewers understand what that is all about? I've seen the first episode, and while it has a lot of fan-recognizable stuff, it does not have a lot of story and exposition for the non-gamers' benefit. It seems to me that the show expects the viewer to already have had some exposure to the games. So if you are a regular viewer and has watched the show, how do you feel about it? Did all the in-game stuff fascinate you, or do you see this as just another same-old same-old post-apocalyptic setting and story?


It was entertaining enough, interesting visuals, nice style, music and characters but there was a lot that I didn’t get, which refers to perhaps the game lore but also the plot holes etc more so I think?

I’ll watch the next series to finish it off I guess, but not really *that* bothered.
