rewatching tonight

Just my millionth rewatch, prior to 6, so a collection of random thoughts

This movie is special to me, I live in the area it was shot and spent the summer hanging around the set. My boyfriend got Courtney Cox's autograph, and we got a picture with David Arquette in costume, during the night Olivia is killed.

I'll forever die sharing an interesting bit of trivia because it bothers me that it's not on imdb. A security guard I chatted with told me. There was serious talk of having Jennifer Aniston be the opening kill. This, not something he said, just my own guess that in that case she would've played the Kate character with an earlier death, that could've been what brought Sidney back. Whether that would have paired with her book tour, or they'd have not done that, who knows, just a theory anyway. But she was in brief talks.

There are a few moments between Sidney and Jill, that in hindsight feel manufactured on Jill's part. Like when Jill asks how Sidney handles all the attention. Or to a lesser degree, earlier when Sidney tells Jill she reminds her of her younger self. You can see Jill filing those memories away to bring out on her Oprah interview.

The near car accident that Jill, Kirby, and Olivia almost have. In a morbid way, admittedly, sort of funny to imagine, if they'd gotten hit and killed, what would happen from there? Because the murders of Marnie and Jenny would still need solved. What would Charlie do? Would he do nothing and hope not to get caught, or maybe pin it all on Jill to bail himself out? Or would he try to execute alone? Because he just lost his partner, two of his targets, as well as the stage of Kirby's house. His motive is the weaker of the two, so he might throw in the towel.

Jill's expressions are fun to examine. She looks slightly annoyed many times when Sidney is mentioned by others. She also looks a little gleeful at watching Olivia die.

Rebecca's death scene is amazing. She does a lot with not the meatiest of material. When she's looking for her car, I always sort of get the vibe that maybe Charlie or Jill moved it to be further from the stairwell, but it didn't really register to her. After all, they got in the rental. I feel bad for Rebecca. All the other victims were targeted, but she was purely in the wrong place and time for her job and being in proximity to Sidney. Could've been anyone. I guess you could argue that for the cops too by virtue of their job. Maybe others by friendship, but that's stretching it, she was the one mostly just wrong place and time.

Another piece of trivia, that's somewhat known but I don't think very well, is that in the original script, Kirby's house was going to be Stu's house, until they decided to shoot in Michigan. An idea which I think is neat so I was glad to see it made it into 5.

In terms of character, 1 and 4 would be the hardest reveal for Sidney, Randy, Kirby, and Trevor, as these are the two instances where both partners are from in the same friend group, ripping it apart, literally.

Charlie was an idiot. The plan as he knew it was to cast Trevor as the new Billy. The real plan, as only Jill knew it, was to do so but additionally cast Charlie as Stu, when Charlie thought he was Randy. This implies that Charlie believed Trevor would be framed as a lone Ghostface, no accomplice a la Stu, and was fine with this.
