MovieChat Forums > Frozen Flesh (2008) Discussion > The truth behind 'Frozen Flesh' (the jok...

The truth behind 'Frozen Flesh' (the joke's on you)

So, I've been reading all of your postings and have responded to many of them in the exact same way: that of a clueless, self-promoting hack director completely unaware of his creative shortcomings.

An egotistical, talentless "artist" who fails to see that his own film is literally the worst film ever made.

Most of you have attacked me both creatively and personally. Some of you have been downright cruel and vicious. And others (you know who you are) have turned the tables and shown who you really are: clueless, self-promoting hacks who think that living in L.A. constitutes being "in the business" (guess what? it doesn't).

Very few of you have actually responded positively. Those who have have offered words of encouragement

So, now the truth will be revealed.

"Frozen Flesh" is a prank.

(FYI - so is "Evil Spirits")

A joke designed to bring out the best (and the worst) in vicious audiences who will spit and hurl personal insults at artists who want nothing more than to have themselves heard creatively.

Pretentious jerks who will do anything and everything to make themselves feel superior.

So, I made "Frozen Flesh" as an act of vigilance for all filmmakers out there who dedicate their heart & soul to their films, only to have them torn apart. It's one thing to attack a film. It's another to attack a fellow human being just because he expressed his creativity.

Much has been made about the 7 static images stretched out into two hours, including over 70 minutes of so-called "air stabbing" and watching water go from still to boiling - in its entirety.

It took me about an hour one Saturday morning to come up with the entire film, from start to finish. I had about 10 minutes of footage that I slowed down and looped. And the "worst soundtrack ever" was purposely made that way. The red tint was meant to just add to the irritating, incompetent nature of the entire film.

And the clueless director who thinks his film is the best ever was nothing more than icing on the cake.

For those of you who think that I'm just trying to recover from my destroyed reputation, think about it.

Would anyone actually think this is the greatest film ever (as I clearly stated in my self-published review of the film)?

Would a director be clueless enough to actually post his own review on the DVD cover?

Did you notice how no one (not in "Frozen Flesh" or "Evil Spirits") ever shows his/her face?

So, while many of you thought that my true colors were being revealed by my being exposed as a talentless hack who will never make it in Hollywood, it is in fact you that is exposed!

I enjoyed laughing at all of the posts. You laughed at my expense, not realizing that the entire time I was laughing at your expense and making fun of all of you.

A few got the joke right away and I had to say you were wrong, that it wasn't a joke, just to keep the illusion going as long as possible.

And a lot of you just thought it was simply a terrible film (which it definitely is!) and shrugged it off as that. All of you should have said it was a terrible movie because there's nothing redeeming about it whatsoever.

Many of you really stood up for me and while you probably feel deceived (as you should), just know that there are young filmmakers out there who need encouragement and would really cherish the kind of support you gave me. I apologize for the deception.


I have a message to those who took it so seriously and were so offended by the film and by me that they felt the need to bring themselves up by not only attacking me, but also by talking about how a real movie is made.

Please. Give me a break.

The joke's on you.

Justin French
Creator of "Frozen Flesh" and "Evil Spirits"



You should report this guy!!!? Why haven't you already done it?

The arrogance and ego, just shows how idiotic and pathetic Justin French is.

justin you are a LIAR and a LOSER !!!!!


This is a clarification for the individuals who can't seem to let this whole thing go:

1. "Frozen Flesh" is a joke. That's hard for some of you to accept (probably because you don't like being the victim of a prank) so you continue to say I'm just a lousy filmmaker trying to cover my tracks, but I don't care at this point. It is what it is. Get over it.

2. "Justin French" is not a real person. He's loosely based on someone I know, but "Justin French" doesn't exist. That's not my real name. I am not going to reveal my real name because it's none of anyone's business.

3. Anyone can list their films on and IMDB. Look it up. It's not that difficult.

4. No one has purchased the DVD from Anyone with half a brain wouldn't even consider buying this movie. Especially after seeing the movie for free on YouTube and Google Video. If I was truly a scam artist, I wouldn't post my movie up online.

5. I do not have multiple accounts. I have two accounts - one is my real filmmaker account and the other is this one. That's it. If you don't believe me, oh well.

6. I haven't been posting as much on these boards the last two days because the joke is over. It was funny for a few weeks, but it's over and done with.

7. I will say this again. "Frozen Flesh" was a joke. Get over it.

Justin French
Creator of "Frozen Flesh" and "Evil Spirits"



Yeah, French. What if people actually bought your movie on Amazon? What would you do then? I mean, if it's all a big joke...


I am repeating myself here but have no problem doing so to get my point across:

"This is a clarification for the individuals who can't seem to let this whole thing go:

1. "Frozen Flesh" is a joke. That's hard for some of you to accept (probably because you don't like being the victim of a prank) so you continue to say I'm just a lousy filmmaker trying to cover my tracks, but I don't care at this point. It is what it is. Get over it.

2. "Justin French" is not a real person. He's loosely based on someone I know, but "Justin French" doesn't exist. That's not my real name. I am not going to reveal my real name because it's none of anyone's business.

3. Anyone can list their films on and IMDB. Look it up. It's not that difficult.

4. No one has purchased the DVD from Anyone with half a brain wouldn't even consider buying this movie. Especially after seeing the movie for free on YouTube and Google Video. If I was truly a scam artist, I wouldn't post my movie up online.

5. I do not have multiple accounts. I have two accounts - one is my real filmmaker account and the other is this one. That's it. If you don't believe me, oh well.

6. I haven't been posting as much on these boards the last two days because the joke is over. It was funny for a few weeks, but it's over and done with.

7. I will say this again. "Frozen Flesh" was a joke. Get over it."

Justin French
Creator of "Frozen Flesh" and "Evil Spirits"


<<means that you were embarrassed by getting verbally torn apart. >>

being "verbally torn apart" in a board on a page on the internet...brrrr, GODFORBID!!!


I can understand an attempt to show some posters on these boards how stupid they can truely be, but, if you had read the majority of the recent posts, including mine, you would realize that most of us, picked up on the fact that it was a joke almost immediatly. Personally, I was not attacking you because of you terrible film, i was attacking you because it was soooo evident to me that you were a fake and that you were taking this was too far, much furhter than u should have. I was telling you that it was no longer a jpke to anyone, the truth had been revealed a long time before you decided to admit to it, nice try my friend, but, you failed, to the few that honestly bought intp this, i feel sorry for you on all counts,

justin, if you could put this much time and effort into pranking someone, why dont u do the same and make an acual film that you think is actually good? then post that, and see what we REALLY think of you as a film maker?

I personally do not throw anyones work back in thier faces, unless i know for a fact they arent for, I honestly would like to see u make an actual film and do something for real, so u could put, justin french, creator of (Something good)

also dude, wtf would u feel the need to come on these boards and make a fool of people u dont even know? I ust dont see the point.

-Wyatt T.


This is a clarification for the individuals who can't seem to let this whole thing go:

1. "Frozen Flesh" is a joke. That's hard for some of you to accept (probably because you don't like being the victim of a prank) so you continue to say I'm just a lousy filmmaker trying to cover my tracks, but I don't care at this point. It is what it is. Get over it.

2. "Justin French" is not a real person. He's loosely based on someone I know, but "Justin French" doesn't exist. That's not my real name. I am not going to reveal my real name because it's none of anyone's business.

3. Anyone can list their films on and IMDB. Look it up. It's not that difficult.

4. No one has purchased the DVD from Anyone with half a brain wouldn't even consider buying this movie. Especially after seeing the movie for free on YouTube and Google Video. If I was truly a scam artist, I wouldn't post my movie up online.

5. I do not have multiple accounts. I have two accounts - one is my real filmmaker account and the other is this one. That's it. If you don't believe me, oh well.

6. I haven't been posting as much on these boards the last two days because the joke is over. It was funny for a few weeks, but it's over and done with.

7. I will say this again. "Frozen Flesh" was a joke. Get over it.

Justin French
Creator of "Frozen Flesh" and "Evil Spirits"



This is a clarification for the individuals who can't seem to let this whole thing go:

1. "Frozen Flesh" is a joke. That's hard for some of you to accept (probably because you don't like being the victim of a prank) so you continue to say I'm just a lousy filmmaker trying to cover my tracks, but I don't care at this point. It is what it is. Get over it.

2. "Justin French" is not a real person. He's loosely based on someone I know, but "Justin French" doesn't exist. That's not my real name. I am not going to reveal my real name because it's none of anyone's business.

3. Anyone can list their films on and IMDB. Look it up. It's not that difficult.

4. No one has purchased the DVD from Anyone with half a brain wouldn't even consider buying this movie. Especially after seeing the movie for free on YouTube and Google Video. If I was truly a scam artist, I wouldn't post my movie up online.

5. I do not have multiple accounts. I have two accounts - one is my real filmmaker account and the other is this one. That's it. If you don't believe me, oh well.

6. I haven't been posting as much on these boards the last two days because the joke is over. It was funny for a few weeks, but it's over and done with.

7. I will say this again. "Frozen Flesh" was a joke. Get over it.

Justin French
Creator of "Frozen Flesh" and "Evil Spirits"


What a bummer, now I have no reason to watch and joke about the rest of the film cuz I now know that you do feel the same way as every one else about the crap that is Frozen Flesh. By the way would you be mad if a real film maker came up with a "good" story for the name of your film, or are you a good film maker in the workings who plans to make a real Frozen Flesh film? Though your first print sucks I think the name is really cool and could spark a really good movie.

