MovieChat Forums > RED (2010) Discussion > What a piece of crap.

What a piece of crap.

Terrible waste of talent, Bruce willis excepted. He was right at home here. My wife told me it was supposed to be a comedy of sorts, but the only laughs I got were laughs of derision at the completely idiotic action sequences. And yet another case of the CIA trying to kill off their own people? Stupid and cliche enough yet? What does that add vs., say, the Russians or Iranians being after the guy for revenge? Oh, wait, I know - it adds more dollars overseas because Chinese, Russians and terrorists won't be offended. So: Too dumb to be satire, not funny enough to be comedy, to silly to be serious...what the hell was the point?


Wasn't crap, but it ultimately failed for me. Too many "check your brain at the door" plot elements to make me take it seriously, yet it clearly wanted to be taken seriously, so I gave it a mild thumb down.


I agree - it failed for me too.
I didn't find it as smart or clever as they wanted it to be. The humour didn't work for me and strangely I didn't feel or care for the characters.
The final shoot out was ok I thought.
And yet I love the Expendables, go figure.


I have it on DVR
guess I will crank it up (again) tonight.

i absolutely loved this movie.

-We Provide.....Leverage


Hey, it's your time.


Opinions are like *beep* everyone has one.


Oh well, I liked it and laughed a lot. Sure it was cliched and ridiculous, that was the point.


Well done OP this was a perfect review of RED. I had totally forgot about this crapfest till I saw the hilarious interview bruce willis did a few weeks ago for RED2. Man, what a useless kunt that guy is.

Another funny thing was I didn't even recognise MLP who was with him in that interview, I had totally forgotten she was in the first garbage movie lol.


The only funny thing about the movie was the 7.1 given by IMDB


It's a one-joke movie, and the joke is ancient - pun intended - "Old people are good at stuff; hur hur!" ...

Even the positive reviews I've seen of this only mention the great cast (which is true, even though they're all FAR too good for this kind of thing) and "Helen Mirren with a machine gun" ... I mean, the latter is NOVEL, sure... but, really?! That's all you guys want from a movie? You don't want, like, interesting characters, or a decent script that's more than tired one-liners and a jumble-sale of cliches?

Knock yourself out, I guess... It's 'Cocoon with guns'. I want to see more senior people in movies, but not when all they're there for is to prove that they can plod through exactly the same moronic drivel as the younger crowd... They really should be old enough to know better!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Yeah it's basically one big, torpid, self satisfied postmodernist joke that never works.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


I nearly turned off after the first 2 minutes, when Willis got up at 6:00 am and walked downstairs to the hall, where the clock said 7:00! Did it really take them an hour to film that..? :-)
