MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > That Superman scene gave me goosebumps.....

That Superman scene gave me goosebumps...

It's weird that Superman was so horribly and unevenly depicted in Man of Steel, but they managed to rectify so much of that with the scene where he returns to the ship and you have the overlapping dialogue from both his fathers encouraging him to do what he was meant to do.

I just didn't understand why that aspect of his upbringing wasn't hammered home more during the original Man of Steel. He's supposed to have a very similar moral code to Captain America, only he has a strict no-kill rule, which I think they really should have further explored in Man of Steel, with either parent (or especially his mother, Martha) hammering home how important life is.

It was sad that they did more to develop his character in his post-resurrection scene in Zack Snyder's Justice League than they did throughout the entirety of Man of Steel.

Also, Steppenwolf was flatout badass in this movie. Now that's how a war general should be depicted. Cold, calculated, and formidable.

It was also interesting how Snyder's vision of Atlantis was more in-line with a silver/bronze-age warrior myth; and the armor and culture definitely looked more apropos to what you would expect of them, as opposed to James Wan's Tron: Legacy knockoff.
