Alona Tal

This young lady is incredible in this film. Every time she comes on screen, it's a breath of fresh air. Can't wait to see what's next for this major talent.





She will be starring on a show for the CW - Cult! I freaking can't wait for this show bc my man from The Vampire Diaries who played Alaric will also be on the show as well... not sure when the Cult premeires, but keep checking the page for the show titled "Cult". I agree she was amazing in this movie, I loved every scene w/her and Mark, they had a "spark" & I think it was leading to more, I love how she gave him a phone card and told him that she will be waiting -always.


She's hot!!!


She was pretty good in Veronica Mars.



I know this thread is pretty old but I wanted to throw in my $0.02 worth. I've just finished watching this and she really is very good. I hope she continues to get plenty of roles 'cause she was excellent in this.

"Oh, we have 12 vacancies. 12 cabins, 12 vacancies."
Norman Bates


The thread's not that old.

She really brought the character of Katy to life. She seemed to care a lot more about the welfare of her boss, than his long term girlfriend, who just seemed to completely disappear from proceedings.


Yeah, she was very good in Veronica Mars.

"Meg, you're the last good person at this school."

Well, she was a good person towards her boss, too.

And as a previous poster already said, she seemed to care much more about William than his selfish girlfriend.

(It looks to me that he, William, and his girlfriend only were together because they both had planned the killing of the presumed rapist and murderer.)


Just watched this movie, and one thing that really did strike me was how well the part of Katy was played. It wasn't a large role but her performance was flawless.



Just watched the film the other night and wasn't sure where I'd seen her before. Finally realised it was on Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show where she'd been a guest.

She was on in late 2012 I think and might well have been on promoting this very film actually.
