MovieChat Forums > Secret Millionaire (2008) Discussion > $100,000 is not a life changing amount ...

$100,000 is not a life changing amount of money.

Taxes will take 40% of it, then they will get $60K.

Obviously it's a good amount, but it's certainly not life changing.

So I want to know why they are making sure a big deal out of giving these people $60K? Cause they might be able to buy a few nice things, but they are still going to be working their minimum wage jobs.

You'd think someone with $300 million could pony up more then a lously $100K.



I agree. The only episode I saw was with the Chahal guy. Bit of big ego...but whatever he's become rich out of nothing...

They said he sold his company for 300mil. I'm not sure what he made for a profit but lets just assume he has 100million.

100K is %.001 of 100mil

If you took my student salary this year (12,000) and I gave the same percentage that he did I'd be giving $12.00. That's nothing.

This looks like a show created by rich people so that could feel good about themselves by meeting 'normal' people.


100k is 100k to the person receiving it. It doesn't matter where it came from. How much of your student salary did you donate to charity this year. People say the rich can afford to spare more, but they worked for their money just like anybody else. They just figured out how to make more money in less time. That doesn't mean they should give they're money away and become normal again. If they gave they're 100 mil away then everybody in the world would get about 7 cents. That wouldn't change anything. I say they should enjoy they're good fortune. People only get rich because oher people buy what they have to offer. It isn't like these millionaires stole their money. If you don't want someone to be rich then don't buy they're products.


$60K is still a good chunk of change to do a lot with.


My mom could retire if we recieved that amount of money. It is very much life changing for us.
God's Grace for us is Awesome!


some people just don't get it

it isn't "how much", but the act itself that is worthy

rather than beat this guy up, my questions is how much have you given this week? month? year?

I've donated to the State Fuel Fund(have another envelope upstairs to fill out now for them), donated coats, hats, gloves+sweats to a mission this past winter to guys who didn't have any of that and to a school lunch-type program that feeds city school kids in the summer, when they might otherwise not have anything to eat

so pipe down about any of the people that "gave so little" on the show, and report back here when you've gone out of your way to help someone, anyone...with whatever you can afford--if not money, then time

in other words..."pay it forward" simple kind act can spiral into you don't know how many....go do the right thing
