MovieChat Forums > Big Fan (2021) Discussion > Metaphor For Bush Administration?

Metaphor For Bush Administration?

I was watching Real Time With Bill Maher and Patton showed up as a guest and he was talking to Bill about how a lot of people didn't understand the movie's general metaphorical message which was that Patton's character was supposed to symbolize a devoted patriot always willing to obey his country and whatever the President says. Also the football player that totally kicked his ass was supposed to symbolize the Bush Administration and how they totally shat on the blue-collar American citizen.

And even after he got beaten up, Patton's character refuses to sue him and still remains a loyal fan just like many poverty stricken Americans would still believe in George Bush and his idocracy.

Another metaphor he pointed out on the Real Time was the fact that he and his friend weren't even able to watch the game INSIDE the stadium, and they were so poor that they would have to sit outside and listen to the game but still they remained loyal fans when the truth of the matter was no one gives a *beep* about them.


maybe it's a metaphor for battered women?

And even after she got beaten up, character refuses to sue him and still remains a loyal fan...


Except for the facts, you and Oswalt seem to have a good little story.

The truth is that this was comedy that had no laughs. The writer/director decided at the very last minute to turn it into a drama.

The actors were already hired. The sets had been made. The location scenes had already been negotiated and secured. Everything was ready.

And then they turned it into this turkey of a drama.

It's not about the Bush Administration. It's about bad directing, bad writing, and bad acting.

Rappaport and the boobs on that old hooker are the only reason to see this movie.


You lost me at the bill maher reference.


Couldn't you just as easily say this about the Obama supporters?


Metaphor for Bush really

And the moral of the story is you vote for him again


lol, that's a bit of a reach.


If that's true, then I need to see this movie, because I would totally identify with the character (I once was an idiot republican partisan stooge. Now independent. No left v right, just tyranny v liberty) Or maybe it's because I'm a big fan of Patton Oswalt, and am considering faking cancer in order to get the Make-A-Wish Foundation to get him to come hang out and smoke some weed


Yeah, that's retarded.


I can see people not getting the metaphor. It was a funny movie about crazed fan who got his ass kicked by his favorite player. I laugh watching it because, I live in Staten Island, New York and he captured the family so well, when their watching the infomercial and they are so proud of a mild achievement, it's hilarious. Also I listen to WFAN quite often, it's a local sports radio station. And a lot of the fans sound like Paul, and I question if one of them were actually beaten up by Carmello Anthony that they would be like Paul and not turn him in. So a lot of the humor I can relate to.

But now watching the movie a few times, I can see the metaphor that Patton Oswalt is talking about. And knowing his politics I think for sure that is what they were going for. It shouldn't stop people from enjoying the movie, it you don't look too much into it, the humor holds up and it's one of the funniest movies your going to watch.


But now watching the movie a few times, I can see the metaphor that Patton Oswalt is talking about.

Agreed. Your hero/icon punishes you silly, but you still show up and cheer.

Totally get it....but I can see why some don't.

"The future is tape, videotape, and NOT film?"


You can say that about any politician. Obama comes to mind.


You can say that about any politician. Obama comes to mind.

Agreed. In hindsight, just making it about "one" politician is too restricting.

Ultimately, I think the film is a great cautionary tale about giving yourself in too much to any one ideology/leader/philosophy.

"The future is tape, videotape, and NOT film?"





I'm sure he was kidding. He's a comedian, on Real Time.


anyone who goes to the store and buys a cheaper product made in another country shat on the working class, you may as well blame human nature. It's a one party system, the establishment party. They pretend to fight for 'common' people and somehow they just keep the status quo going. Democracy is a joke. The one thing they don't want us to realize is that 'common' people get along just fine and are smart enough to set up a fair society. They keep the propaganda going that 'washington' is somehow so much more brilliant and evolved than us.
