MovieChat Forums > Cars 2 (2011) Discussion > WAAAAAAYYYYYYY TOO MUCH MATER


The reason this one was so much worse than the first Cars was due to the fact that almost every scene involved Mater being absolutely obnoxious. There was entirely too much of him in this film. The story was fine, but too much Mater. Larry the Cable Guy is entirely over-played in anything he does.


Not really a Larry fan. And Mater was not in every scene. (Hey! He could have saved Rod Redline if he had been there... KIDDING!)

But I loved this movie.

This good-looking... and I can fly! Rod Redline



Well, that's one of the reasons why this movie doesn't come close to matching the first. There are plenty more. I believe the producers were very surprised at how popular Mater turned out to be in the first movie, so they wanted to exploit that in this one. But they failed to realize that McQueen is the star, no matter what. They listed the main cast credits twice, and once time they even had Larry the Cable Guy above Owen Wilson. Nonsense. Mater is supposed to compliment McQueen. No matter how great the ketchup tastes, you don't bury the hot dog in it because of that. That ruins everything.

Pixar caught lightning in the bottle with Cars, and obviously they didn't catch it twice. I do hope, however, they learn their lessons, listen to what the fans liked and didn't like about this movie, and make a great Cars 3.



It’s not so much that there was too much Mater, after all, this one was about him. The problem is that Mater was so utterly stupid in this one. I know he was not very smart in the first one, but I swear they made him much, much stupider for the second movie.

I didn’t mind the first movie, and thought it was kind of good. However I absolutely hated this one. Throughout the entire movie I kept getting infuriated by how idiotically moronic Mater was. The things he said, the things he did and how they all magically worked out were insulting and offensive to anybody who has even the slightest modicum of intelligence. Even children are too smart to tolerate his stupidity in this movie.

It was so bad, that I kept hoping Mater would blow up or get crushed or something just to end the torture.


I loved mater. He was hilerious.


Lol I saw the title and saw the post date and thought: "Wow this guy posted this way before IGN's [Too much Water 7.8]"
Turns out it was Mater haha

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame


the reason why almost every scene involved Mater: Cars 2 is more of a Mater spin-off film then a sequel to the first Cars.
