MovieChat Forums > Last Vegas (2013) Discussion > Did you find this funny or not?

Did you find this funny or not?

I am 30 female and I found this really funny, I went to see Ron Burgundy 2 straight after I think I laughed the same amount for both films, I liked Last Vegas more than Ron Burgundy 2


It's not fall-on-the-floor, LOL funny but it is pretty hilarious, touching and very entertaining. I watched it twice which is rare for me lately. That means I really enjoyed it and find it to be a really great movie. Plus I always enjoy seeing mature actors working together though it would have been nice to see DeNiro's character be less of a stick-in-the-mud and more part of the gang.


funny at some points but got depressing towards the end


I though it was a cute movie. It was fun watching those old buddies having fun in Vegas. I had a couple of good laughs.


Some of the one liners were funny.

I liked "Fifty Cent Piece"

"Look at it this way; in a hundred years who's gonna care?"


I enjoyed the movie. Silly bits to laugh at and endearing moments for reflection. It wasn't hard to know right off the bat that Michael D. would end up with Mary S. or that Kevin K. wouldn't be unfaithful to his wife. For me, the best I got from the film was the long, long friendship between the four men. And how they could pick up so quickly together even after not seeing each other for a while.


Didn't laugh or smile once. Without sounding too harsh, it stunk. Sad to see the likes of De Niro being involved garbage movies like this.


I enjoyed the gentle drama, more than the alleged funny parts.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


sorry but couple of chuckles aside, it was a fairly limp comedy - too cliched
