Spanish song

What is the Spanish song sung at the wedding?


Cu Cu Ru Cu Cu Paloma - a "ranchera-mariachi" type of song, a Mexican classic. Paloma means dove, the "cu cu ru cu cu" is the sound the doves make. It's a sad song, although it may not sound like it. These are the English lyrics, which more or less capture the meaning of the song.

Softly the night wind singing
Tells me it's bringing my love to me
With every breath it's sending
Love never ending across the sea
My heart and I are trying
To keep from crying
But we are lonely
Fly little bird go winging
And please lead him home safely to me

Cucurucucu Paloma
Cucurucucu Paloma
Bring him back to me forever
Let us always be together

What good is my tomorrow
When filled with sorrow just like today
I need him here to hold me
Here to enfold me, always to stay
So little bird please find him
And then remind him I am so lonely
Fly little bird, go winging
And please lead him home safely to me


Let us always be together


That was so beautiful, so unexpected in this type of movie - I cried!


Uhm... well, yes, is a mariachi song, a sorrow song, (Cucu-rru-cucu is indeed onomatopoeia of pigeons/doves), but I don´t think that´s what the song says, the actual lyrics are about a guy that was abandoned by his beloved and kept crying and weeping utill his death, soon after this a dove heads every morning to his lonely house singing "cucurruccú" and people say that this dove must be his soul still awaiting for his lover to come back.

Dicen que por las noches
nomas se le iba en puro llorar,
dicen que no comía
nomas se le iba en puro tomar;
juran que el mismo cielo
se estremecía al oír su llanto
Cómo sufrió por ella,
que hasta en su muerte la fué llamando:

Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, lloraba,
ay, ay, ay, ay, gemía,
ay, ay, ay, ay, cantaba
de pasión mortal moría.

Que una paloma triste
muy de mañana le va a cantar
a la casita sola
con sus puertitas de par en par;
juran que esa paloma
no es otra cosa mas que su alma,
que todavía la espera
a que regrese la desdichada.

Cucurrucucú, paloma,
cucurrucucú, no llores.
Las piedras jamás, paloma
qué van a saber de amores.

Cucurrucucú, cucurrucucú,
cucurrucucú, paloma no llores.

So, it doesn´t quite fit for a wedding so that was kind of funny. I was watching it dubbed so when they started singing I was like ...'what song are they originally singing?' hehe didn´t realized until the end ir was actually sung in Spanish and was intentionally that specific song.


I first heard it on Habla con Ella and thought it was beautiful.

Here it is.


Yeah, but their singing was not that great. Their voices were OK, and the intonation was OK, but their pronunciation was awful. Particularly when pronouncing "puro" which really threw me off every time I heard it.

I'm so ugly...that's ok 'cause so are you.


I thought Brie and Pratt did a fantastic job with the song! Looking for a download link as we speak.


thanks so much for the link.... I was surprised to hear chris pratt singing this, because I too recognized it from Habla con Ella. He did a good job with it, but it had the effect of reminding me that I was watching a movie about 100 levels below Habla con Ella... :)

I complain too much. That teacher don't like me. Now it's your turn.


yes! the song was great, lol!


To be honest, it took me a while to notice he was singing in spanish... and it's my first language.


This part of the movie haunts me. Have not seen this movie since it came out and all of the sudden Aye yi yi eyeeeeeeeeeeeee enters into the mind and I picture him singing at his wedding to his bride. LOL the memory of that surrealness is just too funny!


I like Chris Pratt's version of this song too and play it every morning while listening to music videos on Youtube. I would LOVE to own a copy of the song on MP3 but can never find it anywhere. Where can I get a copy of the song?
