so where are they now?

anyone know what these girls are doing now? college? jobs? prostitutes? haha

omg i wanted to kill them. just freaking jump through the screen and punch each of them in the face repeatedly.

peace. love. and jonas.


where are the evil actors of the fab 5 now?


the comments on her flickr account were really harsh
those girls were horrible- but given their situatioin i thnk they should at least get a second chance in life

I'm better than you in every way


I feel sad for them, yet not at the same time. This scandal and the over the top fictionalized portrayal of them from the the tv movie has followed them everywhere, even to college. Here is my two cents:
People keep saying the whole mess has been blown out of proportion and that the girls actions were not that bad and every spoiled girl acts this way. Has our society become so lewd, tasteless and desensitized that we consider lewd photos like the ones the girls took to be tame these days? jeez! no.. it is that bad, people! They were high school girls hanging out for fun in a CONDOM store! And took a picture! And they thought it was funny, not degrading and slutty like we think it is. They talked back to their teachers and bullied other students. They acted out in an inappropriate way. I went to high school from '94 thru '97, and experienced a clique of mean girls. But they never, ever, even at their bitchiest, acted anything like the fab five did! I find it hard for anyone, even kids right now, to find any reason to excuse what these girls did as "teens being teens", when the story has generated this much controversy. Plus, if these girls were being "normal immature teens" how come other teens from across the country are so shocked that they comment on how no one in their high school acts this way or knew anyone who did. Theses girls did what they wanted when they wanted, and had mommy the principal reinforcing this idea that they were special, privileged, and above all the other students simply because they could get away with it and were popular. This will never help them in life, only hinder them. That is the sad fact of the matter. It created a scandal that will follow them for a long long time and stereotype them, even if deep down they are nice sweet girls who didn't get the discipline they needed as teens. It seems to me like this cheerleading coach knew the girls needed direction and some tough discipline, yet now even she is being demonized. She was the only one who put up boundaries and didn't take the abuse the girls dished out. I truly believe this movie was made, and allowed to be made simply to show how not giving kids boundaries and discipline can hinder their life when they get to be adults. And that teens can get this out of control and act this way as a result. And probably to get some ratings off a popular newsworthy scandal too..


I cannot tell you how happy this thread makes me, I just watched the movie and am ecstatic that they appear to now be paying for how they acted.

Those girls were evil to the core.

If you expect the unexpected doesn't the unexpected then become the expected?


Yup just watched it and definitely screamed at the screen the whole time. If I had been their coach I would be in jail right now. lol.


