
Guy: Quickly everyone into the car now!
Guy: Ok everybody in? ok let's go
little girl: hold on a minute, the ground isn't falling away behind us yet!
Guy: Ok
little girl: ok wait for it.....ok go, quickly go!
Guy: Ok

Car proceeds to drive off with the ground perfectly falling away behind them always just a split second behind.

Next scene:

Guy: Quickly everyone into the plane now!
Guy: Ok everybody in? ok let's go
little girl: hold on a minute, the ground isn't falling away behind us yet!
Guy: Ok
little girl: ok wait for it.....oh no hold on, the ground is falling away in front of us!
Guy: What!? But its supposed to fall away behind us as we take off
little girl: that already happened with the car you know.

Its one thing to create intensity and excitement but does every scene have to have everything happen down to the millisecond? They even take off and then the ground collapses exactly behind them as they fly off. Hollywood cliche 117B.


I was thinking the same thing. Always a matter of seconds. Other moronic scenes are when the guy calls his son in the middle of the night, to wake him up, everything is quiet but as soon as they start talking, after only a few seconds the ground starts shaking.

They didn't need to use such narrow margins, they could've saved that for the last scene. It would surely be enough to show people escaping the disaster with maybe some hundred meters. Make it close but without exagerating.


The movie is full of silly cliche characters and situations. To me the worst was the wave impact countdown at the end, even with a dedicated led screen!!! It reminded me of the first Austin Powers movie.


On another thread, someone was actually complaining that there were not enough close calls ;)
