MovieChat Forums > 2012 (2009) Discussion > Honestly, How Stupid...

Honestly, How Stupid...

was the airport scene when the air controller is telling them they do not have clearance to take off. Yea, airport protocols are important when everyone is about to die in an apocalypse.


Yes, because faced with one's imminent death, one does sane things. avoid thinking about such things, one might(just might, mind you) focus on something else like work duties/responsibilities.

A nozh scrap any time you say.


Yes, because faced with one's imminent death, one does sane things. avoid thinking about such things, one might(just might, mind you) focus on something else like work duties/responsibilities.

You really think that Roland deeply fleshed out the character for this voice work? Did they put out the word to all agents that they were looking for a serious actor to read a single line and had people come in for auditions? Yea I can see Roland holding these long auditions and telling the actors all about the character's background and how he is facing his demise but sticks to protocol and then stepping back and watching as the actor reads the line or maybe it was more eye rolling stupidity brought to us by a director who is known for cringe worthy dialogue.


Great reply...too bad I was making an observation about the CHARACTER's motivation and not Emmerich's.

Living is easy with eyes closed
Misunderstanding all you see


I would not be the least bit surprised if there were stuff like that. No parking by the white curb either.


In the Japan tsunami of 2011. You could see folks driving away from the wave and obeying all the stop signs they encountered. Even tho no other cars were coming.


That's just sad.


Very few people knew what was actually happening. The folks at the airport may have thought it was a "temporary" disaster, in which case it would be safer inside from the ash cloud. Whereas, flying in the ash cloud would, in real life, have ruined the engines very quickly.
