Nobody Loves This Movie!

The votes of 10 is outrageous! This movie was a waste of time the only good actor was young Alice. The other Alice is like mentally challenged, it was a slow paced movie really dragging, boring and sucked all my energy from trying to keep my eyes open and not take a long nap. I could of done something more productive with my time than watching this umm cleaning toilets would've been more suspenseful than this movie!


This movie is freaking retarded! ARGH!! I want my time back!!!


You'll probably find that most of those 10 votes are by users who have some personal connection to the cast and crew... The weighted average is about three points below the mean, suggesting few of them are regular voters.




how can anybody give this a 10?

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I wouldn't give it a perfect 10, but I thought it was an impressive independent film. You can read my review at



Alice is like mentally challenged

Because that TOTALLY wasn't what they were aiming for, right?

"No man is just a number"


I actually thought it was OK for it was, nothing too new and nothing too special, but not a total dead end.

Sort of like a derivative, low budget, take on "May" (2002) meets the cult German horror movie "Der Fan" (1982) with a little bit of Takashi Miike's "Audition" (1999) and "Fatal Attraction" (1987) on the side.

Its not totally believable or realistic for sure - and many may even ask if there are girls like that in real life who somehow turned out to be psycho serial killers due to unrequitted love etc, or how she manages to really subdue a fully grown man like that and confront that private detective with a knife and win, but lots of Hollywood films in general have those types of issues and tropes, so I was fine here.

The title by the way is almost like a complete opposite of something like "All the Boys Love Mandy Lane" (2006) but there are similarities between that movie too, which ALSO involved a strangely attractive girl who turns out to be a psycho killer.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


It's mother loves it !
