Why is everyone complaining?

It may not have been a true to the heart star wars film but when you saw a glimpse of the trailer what did you expect?

Maybe that the other films have overshadowed what has been presented to you. Overall I thought it to be a good film. The beginning sequences of battle scenes were spectacular. I do say that the lightsaber fights were not very impressive.

I do admit later in the story things get slowed down a bit. Think about it hasn't every Star Wars film been this way? For example episode 4 ships blasting at each other then later a whole slow tatooine scene. Ep3 ships again blwoing at each other then it got slowed down till the end.

People keep complaining about the droids. The droids intelligence were meant to be below average. Because if they were smarter they'd ask questions of the orders like a human does. They "dumb" on purpose so every order they receive it wouldn't be questioned.

So think about it....


The same reason my generation hates Episode 1 is the reason your generation has issues with Clone Wars.

www.townparkradio.com Oldies, Video Game Remixes, and overnight is old time serials.


At least this show's incarnation of Anakin is way more tolerable than Hayden Christenson's portrayal of the character.

Been a long time, comrade.


What did this movie contribute to the characters, the universe, the plot line of the new trilogy, the arc of the Clone Wars itself, or even to the credibility of Star Wars in the 21st Century? Nothing. Did the characters grow? Sure, in a "im reading a book from pre-school" kind of way. "OMG! Annakin grew and matured and learned to accept his padawan! Too bad in a few years he's just gonna kill her!".

Did this story even make sense? Its about the Clone Wars so lets spend a lot of time on Tatooine (AGAIN! OMG how many Star Wars planets are there and in every freaking movie now we're on Tatooine AGAIN! ITS A DESERT! HEY GUESS WHAT! Bail Organa is a big figure! Maybe we should ONCE see Alderaan from more than a "wrapping up Episode 3 quickly" perspective... just a thought) dealing with the Hutts (yea, cause you know, adding another link of "wouldn't Jabbba remember meeting the first Skywalker?" strand into your brain while trying to rationalize the tie ins of the new movies is just great for my headache) and of course Commander Cody (George you're supposed to be writing the future of sci fi for the main stream, why are you living in the past obcessed with 50s serials that suck now and sucked then?).

This is further proof that George Lucas wishes he was 12. He regrets the original trilogy, and the new one even, cause they weren't childish enough apparently. His dull and in your face "GUESS WHAT I MAY HAVE BEEN ALLUDING TO IT BUT NOW ILL JUST TELL YOU, AND IN AN ANNOYING ALIEN VOICE" film making style is at its climax here. Now I'm sure he didn't make it, but damn, he sure did put his seal of approval on this thing... If he's proud of this I don't know why.

Anybody remember kids shows from years ago? I mean, they never used to be THIS dumbed down. My kids shows when I was wee (I'm 23 so im not a fossil mind you) had witty snappy dialogue and lots of pop culture tie ins, like allusions to things my parents would understand but I wouldn't til much older. Now, this movie is so dull that if a kid is told this is good he is most certainly going to grow up to be a dull boring person that likes those trashy 2 star comedies Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller keep pumping out, ONLY they'll have better dialogue and real character development (by comparison).

I get it, its marketed towards children, but that doesn't mean we have to make it so painfully dull. It was a non movie.

BTW, with all this technology, why are we trying to mimic the Thunderbirds? Wooden Faced jedi? "yawn". Its hard enough to connect with the characters cause they're animated and voice acted by 3rd rate people who are reading lines written by people who really really have nothing left in the well.

I kept waiting for the movie to start, then I realized it was over and asked myself "what exactly happened?". The answer? The same you should say about the movie in general: "Nothing Special".


"Too bad in a few years he's just gonna kill her!"

Says who? Besides you, that is?

"Why are you living in the past obsessed with 50s serials that suck now and sucked then?"

Maybe because if he wasn't, Star Wars would never have existed in the first place?

"If he's proud of this I don't know why."

That doesn't mean there isn't a reason.

"I'm 23 so I'm not a fossil mind you."

Well, that explains your "everything other than me is wrong" attitude.

No-one should be this angry over a movie. NO-ONE!


It's just very fashionable to bitch and moan about anything Star Wars that came after ESB (I'm not referring to books, comics or video games, btw)




Because their Poor Kyle...

My name... is GEO!!!


I just remember when I went to see this in theaters, after about 30 or 40 movies I walked out and went to go see Tropic Thunder which was a lot better
