I hope Kat is dead

She was annoying as hell.


Well, in the last two episodes she was really annoying. I mean, 24 hours left to live, and she wants to walk out because the team was, in her own view, "unloyal" to her? That's some egomaniac speaking.

Gary is always preoccupied with his own well-being, but he is autistic. But Kat? After her behavior in the last 2 episodes, if I were running such a team, I'd fire her right away.


In her/his own way, each character was annoying in some aspects, yet likeable in other aspects. That's sort of what made the show work. IMO, the most annoying character was Rosen -- because he was a hypocrite, and, as pointed out in one of the earlier episodes, a "flunky". He was clearly the head flunky, no matter how they tried to minimize his flunky-ness in season 2. He also lacked insight in a major way, as displayed in "God and Monsters". He and Parrish were having a discussion in which Rosen was trying to point out how Parrish's intent didn't matter because some of the results were disastrous regardless of the intent. Then Parrish points out Nina and her "intent" and how the situation with the senator went awry, and Rosen looked like he had no clue what Parrish was talking about. That's because he DID have no clue what Parrish was talking about. Rosen believed that because he was on the "right" side it made all his hypocrisy justified, and vise versa for Parrish; it blinded him to what was really going on. And that's exactly the dynamic that was created in the show -- the ultimate "good/evil" (Rosen) vs "evil/good" (Parrish) dynamic on which the show hinged.

In the final analysis, I sided with Parrish, and not Rosen. I found Rosen to be the ultimate patsy/flunky/tool/bad good guy, despite his "good intent", and I related more to Parrish as the good bad guy who had the vision and depth of understanding that Rosen lacked. Rosen sacrificed just as many "innocent victims" as Parrish did, but the difference was that Parrish did it consciously, whereas Rosen did it blindly, never fully acknowledging the selfishness and/or stupidity of his actions. He rationalized/intellectualized his whole life, and there's really nothing noble in that.

"Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you DO". (The Last Kiss)


Very surprising that someone complains about Kat being annoying on a show in which dani exists. " I have so much angst towards my dad, he is responsible for all of my problems. I am in my 30s and can't take responsibility for anything, its all my dad's fault."


Doesn't matter...The show is dead...


...so was Dani



Agree about Dani.

And I thought her *importance*, all the way to her demise and after was too forced.

Try as they might, they just couldn't get me as a viewer to care all that much for or about her. Sure, it makes sense that her Dad would care. And Hicks really couldn't know if *his* overblown attachment to her was from true love or just a side effect of her Alpha ability.

Her 'importance' to Parish, other than her connection to Rosen, I really did not believe. Mitchell: I could see. Dani: Not so much.

Kat...well, first I found her annoying.

After re-watching the show, I found her somewhat less annoying.

But I agree with others that I don't think her character added much to the show.

Her Alpha ability/downside was interesting, but her over-the-top cutesy yet needy personality was a bit wearing and distracting, IMHO.

"Much communication in a motion, without conversation or a notion"


Don't you mean "cute as hell"? Because that I agree on.


Don't you mean "cute as hell"? Because that I agree on.
