a BIG plot hole

CJ wants to link to him all the evidences of a murder that someone else committed. Then he gets the police report listing all the clues of such murders and goes after each one, filminga tape with the newspaper showing that the date was later the mrder.

couldn't he have bought after the murder ANOTHER knife, just as the one he used to kill the woman?

couldn't he have bought after the murder ANOTHER Reebok jogging pants, just as the one he was wearing when he killed the woman?

couldn't he have bought after the murder ANOTHER pair of shoes, just as the one he was wearing when he killed the woman?

Finally, why the DVD that they used to film all the purchases after the murder would have helped, considering the above?

Maybe I missed something as actually I did not see the end of the movie, since the plane I was in, landed before the movie was over.


Yep. The DVD is no better proof than the receipts of the purchases. If he can buy the stuffs after the murder, he can make a video after the murder. Why let the purchase go to waste? Let make a home video with the props.

The best proofs would be the doctored photos of the crime scenes like the kind his legal gf uncovers. But that would cut the movie from 1.5 hours down to 15 mins.

He should ask her gf to do that in the first place, although it's quite a difficult task to convince her that her boss is a crook.


Nailing the DA was really secondary and just a bonus that would gain him infamy. So the doctored photos from other crime scenes don't really do him any good in terms of his main goal, which is getting away with murder.


I already made the argument the DVD doesn't help jack *beep* but you could also (as the prosecutor) claim he was replacing all his items he'd have to lose due to the murder. You can also make the claim (which it's revealed he did) that he bought the dog simply to cover up the bite.

The fact their DVD defense would've been picked apart and stripped out like nothing and they'd both be in jail (finly would've been charged with accessory after the fact to murder one, obstruction of justice (he failed to reveal or turn in the DVD, Evidence in a murder investigation, also the fact they mislead police in an official investigation, causing the real suspect to get away (if it's shown they didn't do it).

The fact is the entire premise was stupid, and all the logic and reasoning would've prevented any of this *beep* from actually makign it into the script. I'm assuming the writters in this and the original movie had a horrible mis understanding of the law and didn't actually think about what they put down on paper.


The real stupidity is that the DA (Michael Douglas) could have realized this all before he planted the fake blood on the evidence (and he did, because he even pointed it out during the trial), and yet he planted the fake blood anyway while also ordering his partner to commit crimes such as breaking into Finley's home, causing his death, and assaulting Ella. Really, the DA could have kept his hands clean; getting his hands dirty in this trial was completely unnecessary.

All the DA had to do was point out that CJ bought all these things after the day of the murder, but that CJ knows exactly what the items look like, that CJ's behaviour is highly suspect; and the DA should have dug a little deeper so he would have found the connection between the victim (Doris) and CJ, and hence produced a motive.

Isn't it standard procedure to check the suspect's phone records? Wouldn't the prosecution have easily found that Doris had been calling and blackmailing him? Or am I missing something here?

Signature: currently unavailable


I am glad you pointed this out. They made the DA (Michael Douglas) a comic book level villain. When he suspected that something was up, he should have pulled out of the case. He still could have stolen the DVD (without ransacking the ENTIRE apartment, they werent expecting a break-in, it was in his desk drawer) watched it, then brought his evidence forward about the credit card purchases of the video camera, the clothes, dog etc. CJ goes to jail for purgery/ obstruction, whatever. Then they get warrants and "find" the DVD. Micahel Douglas looks intelligent and has another win under his belt. The DA's office is not embarrased, so CJ can't make a deal to get out of jail. Hes just a reporter that over reached during a story.

The only thing this movie needed was for CJ to go back to jail and be in the same cell as Michael Douglas, wah wah... BTW a white man gets the death penalty for killing a black junkie prostitute? In what state? This movie was 2008.

We named the dog Indy!~ Dr. Henry Jones Sr.
