MovieChat Forums > Paranormal Activity (2009) Discussion > How to watch (and why people say it wasn...

How to watch (and why people say it wasn't scary)

First off, if you haven't watched the movie yet, there are no spoilers in this post. In fact, I suggest you read this post first before watching the movie and then follow the advice.

I keep seeing how people keep going off on how this movie wan't scary or wasn't any good. Then I see most of them saw it in theaters. Do NOT watch this movie with other people. Watch it alone, and in the dark.

This type of horror movie involves massive ammounts of suspense. If you have even the slightest distraction, you will lose it and the movie will just feel boring to you. This is probably the main problem people had with the movie the first time they watched it.

From what I have seen, any superstitious belief or any belief in the supernatural will greatly improve your viewing experience. If you even have the slightest belief that it can happen, it will feel much scarier.

The acting is also different than a standard "run of the mill" movie. By different I mean that it is actually much more realistic. Just go back over old home videos you have taken and see how your family members act on camera when they know they are being recorded and then when the fact the camera is on doesn't matter anymore.

If you want to get the full effect from the movie, here is what you should do:
1. Watch alone, in the dark, and don't do anything while watching (even eating).
2. Have some belief beyond the physical, doesn't really matter what. Even if you don't believe in demons the movie will feed off the slightest doubts you have.
3. If you have problems focusing on movies, watch another one before Paranormal Activity that is short and very action packed. May not work for you, but I find it helps.
4. Don't take your eyes off the screen, watch intensely. May wear your out, but it is worth it.
5. If you have already seen it before, watch 2 and 3 alone and in the dark, as going back and watching 1 again won't make it scarier or better.

And if you are wondering, it wasn't my favorite movie and I don't think it was as amazing as some people say, but I still had to sleep with the lights on that night. (Watched it alone, in the dark, at midnight, on Halloween.)


I watched this movie alone and in the dark and nearly fell asleep because of how boring it was. Pretty much the only thing that kept me awake was the random loud noises (which weren't remotely startling because of how poorly paced the movie is).


I saw it late last night/early this morning, on my own and in the dark - went to bed thinking 'what a waste of time that was' and slept soundly. I rarely rate a film with a 1 star (probably due to some suspicion as how the IMDB weighting system works) but I had to in this case out of my need to acknowledge just how bad this film was.
Bottom line, if you get scared easily then this might possibly scare you, that is unless you find badly made pseudo-real documentaries irritating to the point that they're so unreal it's laughable - it must be down to the suspension of disbelief that this film was so clearly lacking.


I watched this on t.v.(ITV, so commercials in it) last night,with the lights on and my husband sitting next to me. It totally absorbed me. I can understand people getting bored if they are used to stuff happening every minute in a film. You really have to stick with it,and understand the premise that this is someones's home footage.

What was so scary and creepy was the normality of it. Two ordinary people,getting drawn into something that they can't actually control.

When I went to bed, I couldn't sleep properly. I kept thinking the sheet was going to be ripped off me,or someone would be standing by the bed! And I kept listening for sounds. Then the dog started barking downstairs,in the early hours! I just left it to it...I wasn't going to go and find out!

I loved this film (can you tell)! I hate blood and gore horror films, I much prefer the mess-with-your-head type, like this one.


"I watched this on t.v.(ITV, so commercials in it"

you too

I saw this in the cinema

What was so scary and creepy was the normality of it. Two ordinary people,getting drawn into something that they can't actually control.



No, it wasn't scary because it was a bad movie. The wrong atmosphere may not help, but it won't transform a 10/10 film into a 1/10 film, and this was a 1/10 film

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


Why does one have to prepare themselves to believe in the concept before watching a movie? That sounds ridiculous because it is not our job to perk ourselves up with fear/belief -- it is the job of the director/filmmaker.

I previously reviewed this film as a 2/10 and am contemplating on giving it a 1 star.

I am someone who suffers from sleep paralysis and is easily afraid of everything and this movie was absolutely, shockingly boring-- complete and utter garbage about some whale named Dianne who ultimately eats her boyfriend.

And from the well-marketed first film, the makers managed to vomit out 3 more!


Such a terrible film, like a budget Blair witch. This film is not scary, its full of bad acting and was a mess.

The OP claims he had to sleep with the light on after watching this, clearly he is 10 years old or younger, as thats the only age group that could be scared by this tripe.


^someone is agitated. Plenty of adults were scared by this movie, including myself. Scared witless I was. I understand why people would not or do not get into these movies and am happy with others opinions.

I think pa is a pretty one shot deal though, it doesn't still creep me ou when I remember it ( as the blair witch still does) actually, the shadow on the door is still effective, even from memory.


It was the first movie, that scared me, tho i wasnt watching it alone, at home, in the dark. And i still cant sleep without light on... O.O I ve found horror movies boring, till i saw this one, i cant really explain. We arent the same, thats why so many diff kinda movie exist :)


just watched it last night, 11pm, alone in the dark etc. Am 34yrs old.

it was moderately scary. not Exorcist or the Shining or even the Others scary, but not too bad either.

Problem I had was maybe
- the format. Kept going from night (stuff happens) to day (exposition) back to night. Felt slightly disjointed to me.
- Micah. As some have pointed out, he's a bit of a blockhead isn't he. Half the time instead of being caught in the moment, I was thinking Micah's a buffoon.


Yeah, micah was aggravating to me. I am not sure that if his character were written differently that it would hv help me find this scary , but it might have.


I just got through watching this and with all the lights on and a cat in my lap .. and it still scared the hell out of me .. lol .

I'd like a chance t' shoot at an educated man once in my life.



Any film that requires certain conditions of the viewer in order to like is a automatic fail. I thought this movie was okay at most, I did like the relationship between Micah and Katie. The acting felt genuine, like how people usually act when they know they're being recorded. Not Oscar worthy in any sense, but still good. The scares felt short and the stuff other horror movies use in the beginning before getting to the really big scares.

Passengers will refrain from killing my soul! ~Bus Driver Stu Benedict
