MovieChat Forums > The House of the Devil (2009) Discussion > Can anyone suggest some genuinely scary ...

Can anyone suggest some genuinely scary horror movies?

I'm a big horror film fan, just watched this recently and it's the first film in a while to genuinely give me the chills. Now I'm left with a craving for some more really scary films. Just wondering if anyone can suggest some to me, I'm a really big fan of subtle horror, such as that found in Paranormal Activity and Blair Witch Project which are my 2 favourite horror films. I know of all the big name horror films such as The Shining and The Ring (which I actually found quite boring, not scary). So can anyone suggest some subtle scary horror films which are not as well known?
Or just post what you think is the scariest film of all time and I'll look it up.

Thanks to anyone who helps.


Event Horizon, if you include Scifi horror...


"Event Horizon, if you include Scifi horror..."

What he said.

I love scary movies, but I have only found a few I deem worthy of praise. Event Horizon, I loved. Martyrs was brilliant, but I do not even classify it as a horror movie.

Ignore the trolls, by the way.

I will try 'Lake Mungo' - thanks for the suggestion.


If you liked this film, definitely watch:

Eyes Wide Shut (1999)

The Wicker Man (1973)

...IMO, nothing is scarier than films about cults.



If you are okay with the slow pace (and since you liked this, you probably are), Session 9 is a fantastic, low budget, slow burn horror film. A few other horror films have made me jump and what not, House of the Devil included, but Session 9 is the only movie I have ever lost sleep over.

Plus its shot in one of the coolest real locations in any movie I've ever seen.

"What difference do you think you can make, one man in all this madness?"


Same here. Something about Session 9 crawls under your skin. It's probably the creepiest movie I've ever seen.

Will I wait a lonely lifetime?
If you want me to, I will.


I can suggest you:

Lake Mungo, maybe slow but very creepy..(

Noroi, in my opinion is the best "found footage" movie.. (

And last but not least.. The descent (


Pet Cemetary 1988
Alice Sweet Alice 1974

Woodrow...You came here with teeth...Do you wanna leave here with teeth!-Aunt Esther


Didn't see it on the list (though I apologize if I missed it and am posting redundantly), but "The Loved Ones" was my top pick for 2011. As much cringe-worthy gore as original character development, which is a tough ratio to balance in today's 'extreme' climate of horror (e.g., Torture-porn v. invisible fear). Personally, it heavily eclipsed Wolf Creek in the Aussie horror offerings, and stuck with me far longer than any other in the genre that I've seen since REC.

PS-Cheers to the other users tossing up lists (generic or genuine); Happy Hunting indeed!


Thread is 2 years old, but I'll put my 2 cents in..I loved Rattle, Rattle which is a short film but has some terrifying moments!


There's no such thing as a scary horror film unless you are of prepubescent age. What I look for is an unsettling atmosphere that makes you feel on edge and for that I recommend a film called 'Kill List', not scary but an atmospheric treat that made me feel on edge.


This thread has mentioned several good titles, but I'll still name:

The Uninvited (1944)
Dead of Night (1945) by Alberto Cavalcanti, Charles Crichton, Basil Dearden, and Robert Hamer.
The Innocents (1961) by Jack Clayton.
The Haunting (1963) by Robert Wise.
Kwaidan (1964) by Masaki Kobayashi.
Onibaba (1964) by Kaneto Shindo.
Hour of The Wolf (1968) by Ingmar Bergman.
A Cold Night's Death (1973) Jerrold Freedman.
Black Christmas (1974) by Bob Clark.


armanmarok's choices are top notch

A lot of The Haunting (1963 version) can be tedious but the bedroom door scene is the single scariest scene I have ever beheld and gave me nightmares for years. Martin Scorsese said this is on the very top of his list of scary movies.

Also nothing compares to the horror of Lon Chaney's unmasking scene in the original Phantom of the Opera


2 years on, and someone replied to my message. Thanks a lot, dude.


I saw it. A thing that was cold and dry. It was me. - La Belle Noiseuse


Did it take you all that time to realize that the world doesn't revolve around you?


It might take even longer.


I saw it. A thing that was cold and dry. It was me. - La Belle Noiseuse



Kill list
wolf creek
3 extremes
