MovieChat Forums > The Company Men (2011) Discussion > Hollywood Hypocrisy at its Finest

Hollywood Hypocrisy at its Finest

Not only did Ben Affleck star in the movie, but around the time of the film's release he could be found criticizing CEO salaries. This from a man who reportedly makes around $15 million per film, surely around 200x what the makeup artists, key grips, janitors, etc. associated with his films make. It's truly confounding that very seldom is this pointed out to actors like Affleck, Clooney, Pitt and all the other uber-rich liberals in Hollywood. The response of most liberal friends of mine when I raise this question is "But these guys worked HARD to get where they are at, and it is their SUPREME TALENT along with that hard work that gets them to top to earn what they earn...." I always get a laugh out of this, since it shows no clue about the talent, hard work, and sacrifice it takes to become a top-earning CEO.

Hollywood hypocrisy knows no bounds.


It's a moot point because there are highly-paid actors, directors, etc. who are conservative just as there are highly paid (and overpaid) CEOs who are liberal. Besides that, what you're calling hypocrisy is just Hollywood showing its social conscience. There's nothing wrong with that. Most of the CEO types they choose to pillory are nothing more than amoral latter-day robber barons. The words CEO and sacrifice do not belong in the same sentence.

