MovieChat Forums > Whip It (2009) Discussion > The ELEPHANT in the room...

The ELEPHANT in the room...

I'm sorry, but you'll be hard pressed to find a straight roller derby girl. It's more or less a gay sport. So why did they think it necessary to give all these characters boyfriends? seriously?

they could have just left it alone, not mentioned love interests. the movie was action packed enough without that.

when ellen paige slept with that pathetic boy I was so angry. I felt lied to! so irritating.

otherwise, i loved the movie.



I actually thought the 2 girls who were in the hot tub were gay, they looked like they were pretty close and there seemed to be sexual tension between them. Besides, I think they only showed Drew Barrymore and Ellen Page's love lives. (sorry but for the life of me I can't remember the character's names!) The rest of the girls' lives were left ambiguous, now, I watched it while some commotion was going on so I didn't pay complete attention to it, so I might be wrong. Still, I think it's wrong to assume a sport is mainly for gay people.



All the talk about girls getting close in the hot tub - jeez, if girls 'get close,' hug each other, snuggle, smack each other playfully, whatever - means they're gay? I'm not getting it at all how Snooki is pregnant and the hot tub scenes from 'Jersey Shore' are all that! 'OOh, look at us act up... look at how BAD we are... Let's put on a show here in the hot tub...' Girls like to look 'BAD' if they are trying to attract attention. It's all about being young and less mature. High school stuff.


'jeez, if girls 'get close,' hug each other, snuggle, smack each other playfully, whatever - means they're gay?'



lol you're an idiot.




I tried out for Roller Derby in Omaha and yes, there were a lot of lesbians, There was also a lot of woman, who, like myself, are straight and just wanted to have fun and knock a bitch down! It's an aggression releasing sport and I love!



A co-worker of mine is married to a local roller derby gal. He also coaches the team. OP is making a general statement without facts to support. Looks like that "elephant" in the room is only a mouse, after all.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Having married one rugger girl and dated a couple of others, no, most women ruggers aren't lesbians. In all my years around the pitch, I've only known of two womens club sides who were majority lesbian.


Pretty sure Eve's character and Eva Destruction were queer women. And just because they have partner's who were men doesn't make them straight.


My g/f played rugby for Syracuse and she said only one or two of her teammates were gay. She just started roller derby and its less than half gay. Doesn't seem like it matters as the girls kick ass in my book.
