MovieChat Forums > Zombieland (2009) Discussion > why would a woman choose Columbus?

why would a woman choose Columbus?

i'm an athletic alpha female.. and the last person i would be attracted to would be some cerebral, non athletic, geeky/virgin type with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. There are some "cute" qualities about the kid - but, not enough to be attracted to..

As a basic female, i would be all over Tallahassee.. He's definitely ALPHA, HOT, again, he's HOT, tough, muscular, strong, brave, kind of crazy, definitely a survivalist, and with procreation in mind - the ability to have children who might have a better chance of survival...versus a gamer who is afraid of clowns..and a virgin..

The moment Tallahassee would have asked me to take off his boots? that wouldn't have been the only thing i would have taken off..


Why would a woman choose Columbus?

Maybe because she took the time to know him better and ended up falling in love with him which would imply something that goes beyond hotness, toughness and a muscular body.


Maybe because she took the time to know him better and ended up falling in love with him which would imply something that goes beyond hotness, toughness and a muscular body.



That was my thought for the whole movie!


Are you for real? I find Columbus totally cute and attractive and Woody more as cool to have in a group but not a romantic interest at all.

But to answer your question more specifically, since i get that attraction is subjective, Columbus is someone I could connect with and develop a mutual bond with. woody is just too different, not just because he is older (its not always an issue), but he is more this character than a person like myself.

Also, I would not have procreation in mind. Why would I want to deal with that on top of other *beep* That would definitely lower MY survival chances. And this alpha nonsense doesn't attract me at all, I don't find him appealing physically. Other than being objectively attractive to me, Columbus has something cute and vulnerable about him which appeals to me more than macho style. You don't want to hurt a guy like that. You just want to give him a kiss and tell him everything will be ok.


I like Woody Harrelson in this, but truly hate alpha males. Well, mainly pseudo-tough guys who pick fights for no reason, work out constantly, feel the need to be "bigger" or "tougher" than everyone else. They strike me as the type that need to compensate for something (small d%ck complex?)
But then again it depends. Most men I've met that try to be alpha-males just come across as trying too hard. (And for the record, I don't find Jesse E's character even remotely attractive)


It just comes down to personal taste..the same thing that describes why anyone is attracted to anyone.

I don't really peg Woody's character as a 'alpha male' is really hard to say what he was like before zombieland happened. He was acting crazy and 'badass' because he felt like he had nothing left to lose and not much reason to live. Seemed like he softened waaay up with Columbus and the girls. I didn't get the feeling that he was at all interested in Wichita. Honestly, I got the feeling that he was so caught up in his pain over his son that his sex drive was switched to 'off' at the moment. When Columbus asked when his last time had been, he didn't have anything to say, like it wasn't even on his radar. Not exactly your stereotypical tough guy/alpha male answer.

And as far as the alpha male conversation goes...whether guys like that are likable or attractive really comes down - in my opinion - to whether they are just trying to be tough guys(which is more typical of those that label themselves alpha males.. usually making complete fools of themselves) or if they naturally have a lot of charisma and are natural leaders. I think the 'alpha male' title is going to turn off a lot of people and give them a certain picture in their mind of what we are talking about, lol.

For myself, I would have gone for Woody, no question. He wasn't putting on a show or just trying to be tough to impress..he was just himself. And I do find him to be very sexy, though I'm under 30 and he was probably in his 40s. Age doesn't always matter all that much to me when it comes to sex appeal. But the whole point is, attraction is very individual and there is not going to be any sure bet as far as who all women(or men) are going to go for.


because its zombie apocalypse and there were no guy left


My name is Lchonte and i approve of this message 👍


Thing about Columbus is he may not be like Tallahassee when it comes to being brave and all that. But Columbus did come up with those rules though and he's also quite smart as well. He also did save Little Rock & Wichita at the fun fair as well, even if he means by breaking one of his own rules


The one special thing about Columbus is that he still has his humanity. The other three have kind of lost theirs. They're all cynics who are fighting to SURVIVE. Columbus is the one who makes them a family and his optimism and love is what convinces them to fight to LIVE, again. Survival is nothing without something to live for. Tallahassee is great, but he wouldn't be able to give her what she needs emotionally, not the way Columbus can. And really, she can already take care of herself physically, so she doesn't need Tallahassee for that. What she needs is somebody to take care of her emotionally.
