MovieChat Forums > Zombieland (2009) Discussion > why would a woman choose Columbus?

why would a woman choose Columbus?

i'm an athletic alpha female.. and the last person i would be attracted to would be some cerebral, non athletic, geeky/virgin type with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. There are some "cute" qualities about the kid - but, not enough to be attracted to..

As a basic female, i would be all over Tallahassee.. He's definitely ALPHA, HOT, again, he's HOT, tough, muscular, strong, brave, kind of crazy, definitely a survivalist, and with procreation in mind - the ability to have children who might have a better chance of survival...versus a gamer who is afraid of clowns..and a virgin..

The moment Tallahassee would have asked me to take off his boots? that wouldn't have been the only thing i would have taken off..


People, including women, have different tastes?

That wasn't so hard, now was it?


I don't know if this was said already, but she may choose him because he is quite possibly the last young guy on the planet. If I were young like her and had to choose between Woody and Jesse, I'd probably choose Jesse too.



"i'm an athletic alpha female"

I just had to reply. That's the funniest thing I've read all week. That is pi55 fusking funny. I'm typing lolololol and I'm actually laughing. You go, alpha femme! You can take my boots off anytime! (To which she replies, "Bull5h1t! You can take mine!") lololololololololol




Maybe you should give one a go and see what you're missing.


not every girl falls for a guy cuz they are hot.


Some of these posts make me laugh (even if they are digs on girls, I am a girl btw).

Having said that, I don't believe the OP (conangirl) is representative of all females out there.

Other things to point out:
Woody and Jesse are in completely different stages of life. If Conangirl is 50 (which I wouldn't know why you'd call yourself 'girl' versus woman) years old, it would make sense for her to be more in favor of Woody (who is older) than Jesse.

As for me, I think I'd choose Jesse. Why? He isn't bombarded with psychological issues and risk his life for Twinkies.

Jesse is fit, just not nearly as to the degree Woody is.

Personally, I have had a liking for quirky guys like Jesse (assuming he isn't a messed up manipulative creep, which I think a lot of self proclaimed nice guys are). No offense to those who are truly good people in the world.

