MovieChat Forums > Best Worst Movie (2009) Discussion > Did anyone else get mad at George when.....

Did anyone else get mad at George when...

he was at the horror movie convention and was asking why people like that *beep* calling them weird and criticizing everyone about their dental hygiene?

He clearly doesn't understand horror movie fandom and the people who gave Troll 2 cult status. I guess I just don't like that he bites the hand that feeds him.


I'm honestly surprised that so many of you guys believe that 100% of this documentary is real. It's just like a reality show, it's probably 50% real at best and the rest is scripted or at least edited in a way to tell a story. The director obviously wanted this film and its main character (George) to have an arc so George was playing along. Mind you, he hasn't gotten better at acting since Troll 2 so that's why I'm surprised many people just took everything as real. At first he's all happy-go-lucky, enthusiastic, jumping out of his skin to do the stupid screenings and repeating lines like a trained monkey, he acts like he thinks he's some big star, then all of a sudden he's realizing how pathetic this life is, etc. It's an arc, don't take it too seriously, you (as the viewer) are manipulated to feel different emotions but it's nothing different than a fictional movie.


Honestly he wasn't being a jerk or anything, he was incredibly let down. Have you ever been really excited for something fun, or looking forward to a great time. And then you get there and nothing is what you thought it would be, no one wanted to talk to him or anything. And that is hurtful, he was so used to having all these fans and people who loved him and wanted to talk. It wasn't that he was upset that he wasn't making money or anything bad like that. He just wanted people to talk to and have fun. Yes he did put down the con goers and the films represented. But its called being in a horrible mood and being basically heartbroken. No one knew who he was, no one wanted to talk to him. I have been to cons like that, and found alot of the actors that no one really remembers or wants to talk to. They aren't there to make money like alot of the bigger people, they just want to meet there fans. Have you ever been really let down really heart broken?

Thats how he was acting, he just wanted people to talk to and have a fun time. Im sure if he had people coming up and talking to him, if the other guests had been a little more friendly he wouldnt have said those things. When ever things get really bad, the little things that you think poorly of become much bigger and you get really sour. But he wasn't acting like the director, who was incredibly bitter. You could tell he just was a people person and liked to talk to people and tell his stories and have fun human interaction.

I felt bad for him, briefly at first i thought oh what a jerk then i thought about it. And realized just how sad he had to be at the fact that no one even wanted to really talk to him. He was so used to having all these fans who adored the film and him, and not having that is a major blow to your ego. He wasn't stuck up, but when you have all these fans and all this praise and fun. You get used to it, it feels good and when you dont have it anymore. It can be a real rude awakening and just shake you up badly.

He seemed like a really nice fun guy, he just got used to the way things were at the screenings and expected it to be the same. I can relate, conventions can be incredibly sad and downbeat depending on a variety of factors. And as great as they are they can make you feel horribly alone. The first con i went to was great tons of people to talk to and a great fun, friendly vibe. It was like all theses people you didnt know where your close friends.

You have that wonderful feeling and you go to another one expecting that same good feeling, and when you dont have it. its just really really devastating. The way he acted did not make him a jerk, not at all. It just made him human. You expect one thing and get another. You expect to be in this club of like minded people bound by a shared passion. And then when you feel like no one cares, like you dont matter. Its the worst feeling in the world.

Do you like Huey Lewis and the news?


I hate to say it, but George is your typical small-town, southern two-faced hypocrite. Very friendly in his element and around his own familiar southern townspeople, but put him around different types or demographics of people and the claws come out. Around people he does not know or relate with, he becomes kind of an *beep* This is very common among small-town people, southerners or otherwise. I am from a small town in the south so I know from experience. I can almost guarantee you that you sit and drink with George Hardy, the drunker he gets the more of an ass he will become. I could be wrong, but I've seen it too many times to not call it.
