Gerard Butler's looks

This is the first film I've seen Gerard Butler in, and I was interested to notice that, depending on the angle, I'd either think "Wow, that guy is amazingly good-looking!" or, at a different angle, "Ehh, he's really ordinary-looking - what's he doing as the leading man in a romantic comedy?" This went on throughout the film. Did anyone else have this reaction?


see him in P.S. I Love You... major yummy... you'll have a crush by the end of it LOL


The truth is that actresses in their 40's who look puffy, bloated and old don't get leading roles in romantic comedies opposite actors ten years their junior. I think it's perfectly fair to point out that Butler looked like hell in this film especially when paired with Heigel.


personally I think he's the sexiest man in Hollywood, so no, I don't really agree, lol. His imperfections make him even more rugged and handsome to me. soooooooo hot.

to each his/her own though.



hes ruggush man hot


I think he's just a beer drinker. Like 6-pack a day drinker. That makes you a little puffier in the face.


No. I think he's hot at any angle.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)



I think Gerard Butler is one of the most attractive actors I've ever seen and I'd gladly watch him in anything, puffy or not. He's absolutely gorgeous and I fall in love with every single one of his characters.

I haven't completely forgiven him for his dodge Irish accent, but that aside, who wouldn't find him attractive?! Dear god the man is insanely hot. It's something about him - he just oozes sex appeal in my opinion.

Some of the most sexy men I know aren't particularly mainstream attractive, they just have.... something. And Gerard Butler has it in spades.

I think this line's mostly filler
