MovieChat Forums > I Love the New Millennium (2008) Discussion > The 'I Can't BELIEVE They Didn't Mention...

The 'I Can't BELIEVE They Didn't Mention...' Thread

Similar to the Official "Things They'll Probably Mention" thread, only difference is that these are things that you cannot believe they wouldn't mention in the first installment.

I can't believe there was no mention of America's Next Top Model, Degrassi (Could it be because its a Canadian based show? It was still a HUGE hit over here), the Harry Potter movies, The Mole, Britney and Madonna kiss at the VMAs, Justin Timberlake launch of his solo career, Family Guy (they could have mentioned how it was resurrected from cancellation twice), the VERY first Making the Band with O-Town, the entire boy band/bubblegum pop music craze, Invader Zim, Adult Swim, The Osbournes, Scary Move, The Amazing Race... and so on and so forth.



I just watched 2004, and I am beyond shocked that they didn't mention Lost! That was one of the biggest shows of that year! True, they did that little Dharma bit for the time capsule, but it deserved more coverage. They should have saved Laguna Beach talk for the next one. I saw Michael Emerson (Ben) commenting in an earlier show, so I got excited thinking about what he was going to say about the show.

Also, they missed a ton more of movies! Meet the Parents (01), Shaun of the Dead, Anchorman, Napoleon Dynamite, Mean Girls, The Day After Tomorrow, Garden State, Saw, and Team America

Also on the 2004 TV shows, I'm surprised they didn't talk about Desperate Housewives or Grey's Anatomy. I'm not a fan of the latter, but still, those two along with Lost, were hits.

I didn't get a chance to catch 2005-did they mention The 40 Year Old Virgin and Wedding Crashers? If Shame on them. Maybe less commerical time and more talking time?



Yeah, I kinda thought they'd mention Degrassi too.


I was surprised they didn't talk about Donnie Darko. That was a big hit, wasn't it? They could've done a lot of things with Frank.

Yes, because a vampire slumber party is the pinnacle of safety conscious behavior. T~O


Why the holy f^ck no American Idiot?!?!?!?!?!? It is the best selling album of this frickin' decade for christ's sake! Also, why no Family Guy, The Console Wars or even Guitar Hero? I mean DDR came out in THE 90's, and yet they talked about that!! Halo? Sidekicks? The end of Harry Potter? The Harry Potter & Star Wars movies? How about Scary Movie?

Let's face it. VH1 royally screwed up with this. They should have waited 1 1/2 years and did I love the 90's part 3 instead.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco


Well American Idiot was on Moby's Playlist of 2004.

I'm new to the boards.






I just don't understand how they didn't talk about LOST.

And I didn't think they would, but it would have been cool if they mentioned Carnivale.

David Cook knows what the Dharma Initiative is really about.
COOK's CRUE member #69


Ugh, why are people surprised at some of these? You're surprised that they didn't mention Degrassi? Wtf? Nobody over the age of 17 has even heard of that show(in the U.S at least). Just because you liked something in this decade and some of your friends did too doesn't mean it was popular enough to be mentioned. Also, does no one realize that they're not going to talk about stuff that they can't really make jokes about?


^I agree about Degrassi. I'm a big fan of the show, but come on... it only has a cult following in the U.S. It's not THAT big.

2004 - haven't seen the whole thing, so did they mention the biggest chick flick of all time - "The Notebook"?


...Well American Idiot was on Moby's Playlist of 2004.

He barely mentioned it then. And that's not a full-on discussion about it either. They probably just had to have more time to talk about guyliner. Oh wait, that was REALLY F^CKING LAME AND OFF BY SEVERAL YEARS!!!!!!

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco


Um I beg to differ. I've been watching Degrassi since I was in third grade.

Take on me, Take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two


I can't believe they didn't mention Party Like a Rockstar by the Shop Boyz.

That was the most overplayed rap song ever.
And it sounded like sh-t.

Take on me, Take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two


Well, all the other 70s, 80s, and 90s have parts two and even three. So...there's somethin' to look forward to!


Did they talk about Metallica's album St. Anger? If they didn't yeah.

Take a look to the sky just before you die, it's the last time you will.


They didn't talk about tv shows Heroes, The L Word, and how on earth were they talking about The O.C. but said nothing about One Tree Hill!?


I haven't watched 2005 or 2006 yet..but did they mention The 40 Year Old Virgin & Wedding Crashers? Also, the US version of The Office? How about Rent?

Also for they mention the end of The Sopranos and that famous ending?


One Tree Hill is not that popular of a show either. But The O.C. became a pop culture phenomenon from the start.


They should have mentioned Facebook and Sanjaya



they forgot "Freddy vs Jason" and the blackout in 2003 and the remake of "Dawn of the dead" in 2004..

I'm not crazy, I'm just mentally insane.


They never mentioned themselves

I love the...

I thought it would be funny.

Gosh, where did they all park!


^I agree about Degrassi. I'm a big fan of the show, but come on... it only has a cult following in the U.S. It's not THAT big.

Isn't Degrassi a Canadian production? I'm sure they have their share of a "cult following" over there as well.

Ugh, why are people surprised at some of these? You're surprised that they didn't mention Degrassi? Wtf? Nobody over the age of 17 has even heard of that show(in the U.S at least). Just because you liked something in this decade and some of your friends did too doesn't mean it was popular enough to be mentioned. Also, does no one realize that they're not going to talk about stuff that they can't really make jokes about?

Wow. Thats a big assumption, especially considering the fact that many of the hardcore fans of Degrassi are probably well between the ages of 18-21 because they basically grew up with the show (it began in 2001). And what is there NOT to make of with this show? They could have mentioned the horrid acting, or even the sometimes absurd/over the top storylines that come out of nowhere.


I'm not surprised they didn't mention Degrassi...but to say that nobody over the age of 17 in the U.S knows the show is stupid. The show is watched by adults who also loved the 1980's version. Hell Kevin Smith was on the newest Degrassi and his surely not under 18.


I wish they would've talked about the whole 'Dick in a Box' digital short on SNL, or any of them for that matter. But like I said, maybe if they have a part 2.

"Ah, that's just it. If you don't think, then you shouldn't talk."



A lot of the stuff they talked about seemed really irrelevent. I mean, I don't know that Andrew WK song. Or Sharon Stone's husband's injury. And I was alive those years.

The pursuit of love gets mixed up with the pursuit of life.


The O.C. was huge. One Tree Hill never reached that popularity. One Tree Hill is also a suckier version of the O.C. with suckier music.

And Degrassi may seem like a big show to you people but it's not really popular enough to warrant discussion.

Watch out for them Phightin' Phils!


The three things that me and my best friend were totally sure they would mention, and they didn't mention any of them. Not even in passing!

-Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus phenomenon
-High School Musical

And I was kind of hoping they'd mention Gilmore Girls. lol

Somebody told me I shot the Tambourine Man!...that was funny.
- Jason Castro.<3


agreed about the whole hannah montana/ miley cyrus...they really didnt talk about any young stars like lindsay lohan or nicole richie or w/e...and they didnt mention mean girls (kinda not really) or the scary movies (they should at least talked about the 1st it launched a million movie spoofs...i think) and they didn't talk about alot of reality shows except american idol. and the new millenium isnt over!!!! they cant wait 2 yrs??? wait til theres more material!

PeAcHy KeEn JeLlYbEaN


Yeah, I couldn't believe it either when they didn't talk about Scary Movie. That was one of the best movies ever!

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco


I kept waiting for a Harry Potter movie mention. They could have atleast mention the third one in 2004 when they all when hit that major growth spurt. That would have been funny. There was no mention of Gilmore Girls or Smallville, The Office, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Heroes, or House. No Superbad, Knocked Up, 40 Year Old Virgin, Wedding Crashers, Beyonce and Justin Timberlake going solo, Mariah going crazy or making a huge comeback in 2005. No Kill Bill, and no American Idiot, but they talked freaking Avril Lavigne. WTF. No Hilary Duff/Lizzie McGuire/Disney Craze era in the early 2000's, and no mention of High School Musical or Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana.


Overall they were slippin on a lot of stuff..but hey we all know that there's goin to be a part 2...let's just hope it'll be far better.


I don't know if it really was such a big deal around the U.S as it was here in Wichita, but I'm surprised they didn't mention that BTK was finally arrested in 2005. I had one of my best friends in Hawaii call me saying that BTK was all they talked about there for a week. CNN was even covering that for at least 5 days. It was a big deal...


I was absolutely shocked when they didn't mention 'The Sopranos', one of the biggest shows of the decade. Then I figured they'd at least discuss the ending of 'The Sopranos' for 2007, one of the most talked about and controversial endings in television history, and they didn't even mention that.

Boy you got me confused with a man who repeats himself


I didnt watch until 2005, but i cannot believe that there was no mention in the 3 i watched. of Hannah Montana tween phenomenon, The Pirates Of the Caribbean Trilogy, or Harry Potter.

"I Don't Wanna Be Told To Grow Up. And I Don't Wanna Change. So You'd Better Give Up" ~Simple Plan~


family guy

"I'm not just sure, I'm HIV Positive"-south park


The torture porn phase (at least "Saw" has to be mentioned)
I agree with many: either the Hannah Montana or the High School Musical craze
Um...Star Wars Episode III maybe?
Nintendo Wii or DS (certainly before they mention Playstation 2,3 or Xbox 1 or 360)
Desperate Housewives
The "R-rated" comedy comeback- one of these: Knocked Up, The 40 year old Virgin, Superbad or Wedding Crashers
The Stupid Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD war
Those mother****ing "Snakes on a Plane"
Shrek...probably the biggest omission, I think, from this series

"Iron Man"...wait that was this year. Why couldn't they have waited for 3 more years to do this again?


Yeah, why didn't they mention the console wars? This was perhaps on of the biggest events for entertainment this decade. Plus, the media kept talking about it and people would camp out for over a week just to get one. Hell, people still have problems getting a Wii or even a PS3, and both of them came out over a year ago.

"Greetings! This is not God, but his close friend, Officer Boscorelli. Please pull over."- Bosco


I was surprised they didn't talk about the Jonas Brothers since they became really popular in 2007.


I think their popularity is only now starting to get ridiculous. I didn't hear much about them in the 2007. Now they're everywhere, so it's kind of a 2008 thing, if you ask me.


I was expecting to see Judd Apatow movies (40-Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, and Superbad) along with Green Day's American Idiot, but no... I didn't really like the show. I loved all the other "I Love the ___'s", but this one wasn't as funny/good.


Jesus. I guess I'm the only one that think's it stupid to have this show on TV in the first place. I loved all of the other "I Love the..." series, but now it seems as if VH1 is grasping for anything to put on. We're not even through 2008 yet. No offense, but why would you want to hear other people talk about a lot of things that just came out? I don't need Michael Ian Black or Hal Sparks to remind me of anything that has been funny over the last 7-8 years. And before anybody says "Well just don't watch it...." that's what I'm doing. I can't wait for "I Love the 12th of November, 2009" to come out.

You would be Da Belle of Da Ball


If they waited for the decade to be done, people might not care. Also seeing as how they missed alot, it just means they can do it for the second and third round. I dont see how VH1 is grasping. I mean people have gone from teens to Adults who have started their own families so far in this decade.


I have skimmed through it and i am sure this has been said, but they can not mention every single movie or show, either because of it being a bomb or success. Get over it. Just cause you think "Arrested Development" was so good, doesn't mean it was, or it should be mentioned.

The only superhero movie I want to see is Aquaman staring Adrien Grenier.


I can't believe they didn't mention...

-Michael Richards(cmon they mentioned the Mel Gibson fiasco but didn't mention this)
-emergence of such bands(fallout boy,P!ATD)
-Kanye West
-Virginia Tech(maybe..but then again its a sensitive topic)
-Saw series and emergence of touture-horror movies
-Batman Begins(box-office and critical success after Batman & Robin)
-Star Wars Ep. III:Revenge of the sith
-The Moment of truth
-Itunes store
-Windows XP
-Billy Bob Thorton and Angelina Jolie's open(very open) relationship
-R.Kelly sex tape & Trapped in the closet music videos
-High School Musical & the Vanessa Hudgens nude photo scandal
-Adult Swim
-Dawn of the dead & 28 Days Later(also the mention the popularity of zombie films this millennium)
-Tsunami's causing devastion to asian countries
-The Departed
-"Bubble gum pop" hits a milestone ihn the early 2000s(EX. NSYNCs No Strings Attached album)
-rise of teacher student relationship scandals
-next-gen systems(xbox 360,PS3,PSP,DS,Wii)
-Family Guy comes out of cancellation
-Training Day

"I write sins,not tragedies."


sanjaya, haha
and also, Fahrenheit 9/11

well, maybe the latter not so much, but definitely sanjaya. btw, i don't know if these have already been mentioned or not (they probably have) because i only read like the first 2 pages of the thread. so sorry if they're repeats!


LOL I was waiting for them to mention Sanjaya. I cannot believe they didn't mention Napoleon Dynamite..i thought that was a given for 04


final destination movies
the day after tommorrow
green day(american idiot)
gwen stefani going solo

wait! I want a ninja kitty

The best kind of prize is a sur-prize

