Don't Tell Me I Don't Get It

I get it. I get it just fine. And hey, guess what? I'd rather inject LSD into my eyeballs than watch this trash.

First let me address some things said by reviewers.

One reviewer called this an "existential romp". If this is how we're executing an existential television program I would say Camus is rolling over in his grave right Take two viewings of the film "I Heart Huckabees" and call me in the morning. Er...wait. If you're watching Xavier you're probably sleeping off the hangover, so late afternoon works for me. It is possible to make a smart and well executed existential piece of work. Xavier is poorly executed in that visually it appeals to few and the shotgun dialogue (and those awful puns) appeals to even fewer. If you want people to listen to these ideas then you may want to rethink your execution.

Another reviewer tagged Xavier as "the future of entertainment". No. No, no, no, no, NO! Just stop it. Just because you really like something and there is nothing out there like it, nor was there ever before, does not mean it's the future of entertainment. If poorly animated trite (intentional or no) with zero balance is the future of entertainment...I'm shooting my television and never leaving the house. You sir, have given an 11 minute Adult Swim series far too much credit. Be reasonable. And for that matter, just because there is nothing like Xavier nor was there ever before does not give it any credibility. I always appreciate "something different" but that never means it will be good.

Xavier is a smart show. Xavier is a different show. It is not a GOOD show.

And this just tickled me. A thread from another fan of the show.

"Definitely a show the average tv viewer is too stupid to comprihend"

Evidently the level of intelligence it takes to understand Xavier doesn't leave much room for proper spelling.

The fact of the matter is when it comes to enjoying or not enjoying a show it comes down to personal taste. I GET Xavier but I just don't like it. I honestly believe it is the single most god awful thing I've ever watched. It is my OPINION and it has nothing to do with my level of intelligence. So if we could please stop saying "oh you would like it if you understood it."

I don't like puns and intentional or not the show is a visual nightmare. Xavier's voice truly annoys me and is hard for me to listen to.

So get over yourselves. People don't hate this show for the sole reason that they just don't get it.


"Xavier is a smart show. Xavier is a different show. It is not a GOOD show."

Smart and different is enough considering the huge amount of stupid, samey trash offered up. Go back to watching Two and a Half Men and stop hating. Nobody cares.


The fact that PFFR have managed to infuse their high concept scripts with multi-layered satire, social commentary, visual puns, wordplay, slapstick, anti-comedy, self awareness and self deprecation(and self defecation for good measure), all while birthing a fully realized and pixelatedly fleshed out character that inhabits a parallel universe of American't entirely of their own creation is worth unanimous praise as it is no little feat.
I PERSONALLY think this show is the greatest contribution to television since the dawn of the aptly dubbed "idiot box" - and one of the greatest contributions to film in general.
Xavier: Renegade Angel contains not only every type of comedy, both good and bad, but tips its hat to often opposing philosophies, creeds, political ideals, cultures, and ways of thought without truly picking sides.

I PERSONALLY immensely respect PFFR and appreciate [adult swim] for green lighting such a unique and groundbreaking show, i just wish the other programs on their network weren't so shoddy, because Xavier is worlds apart from their disappointing line up and doesn't deserve t be lumped together with most of them.

YOU can love it or leave it.
But it does nothing to insult the creator's intelligence.


if you really feel that strongly about a stupid cartoon than you just flat out need to get a life. find something that YOU can do with all those big words you force into your post. stop relying on other writer's work to express your individualism and love of philosophy. most of all, leave imdbers alone for not liking this crap show just because you think you're smarter than everyone.

Cleveland Browns, 1964 Nfl Champions




You're the one who came here to receive hate. Why would anyone "leave you alone" when you're posting opinions on a discussion thread? Perhaps you secretly relish the abuse. Sounds like you have more in common with our six-nippled, be-snakehanded anti-hero than you would care to admit.


Nah, Xavier's smart, different, AND good, dude. You probably just don't get it.


Life is confusing. No one has all the answers. This show uses humor and surrealism to fill in the gaps of our collective misunderstanding. To hate it is to hate life. I'm guessing you're not a fun "party person", original poster.


You don't get it. ALSO, you don't "inject" LSD. You idiot.
