MovieChat Forums > Drag Me to Hell (2009) Discussion > My gf broke up with me over this movie

My gf broke up with me over this movie

True story.

I've made a huge mistake.




well cheer up, you aren't the first person to brake up over a movie

i've seen several other threads like this on other movie boards

so many movies, so little time


Well first off, you're right in the argument. Christine was not that bad. I do think, however, that your relationship would have broken up anyway because whoever decided to watch this movie would have been in the dog house. A banker is not immoral for foreclosing on a loan. Really the old lady was out of line for even pushing the point (not to mention stealing the candy off the desk and then slobbering on Christine and generally making a scene). A bank enforces its legal rights and the banker gets a curse?? Really? How about making your house payments... I don't think there is anything about curses in the fine print. Friends are friends and business is business. Funny how some people focus on the cat here, which is of course not the reason for the curse. But as for the cat, it certainly seems cruel, but we live in a hypocritical world where most of us eat meat and those animals die under far worse conditions than the cat. If we can slaughter cows for Quarter Pounders, then we should be able to sacrifice one kitty to get rid of a demon from Hell. Just saying.
