MovieChat Forums > Queen Sized (2008) Discussion > Stop it with the 'its unhealthy'

Stop it with the 'its unhealthy'

like you give two *beep* about how healthy an fat person is. you just need an excuse to dislike overweight people. they are fat, if they dont like it they can try to lose some weight. if they dont care let them be.

The Upper Peninsula and the television news.



Thank you for saying it. All these people that go on and on about "but it's unhealthy!" are so full of crap. Their reasons for trashing fat people amount to an incredibly superficial dislike of the way a fat person looks and nothing else!

Also, a few people have said on this board that fat people are the last minority where it is acceptable to make fun of them and other posters go on to say that gays, little people, disabled people, blacks, etc. get made fun of. Yeah, it still happens that these different minorities get made fun of but fat people are the last minority where it is acceptable to make fun of them. Trying to explain to people who insult fat people that they don't have the right to do so is like talking to a wall. Try explaining to a person who is making fun of gays or any other minority and there is a general precept in society to back you up. There is no such precept for fat people. You can call someone who bashes gays a homophobe or someone who bashes blacks a bigot but there is no "name" for the person who bashes fat people because our society generally doesn't recognize that there is anything wrong with it in the first place. So, these people that are saying fat people are the last minority where it is acceptable to make fun of them are right.

“Honey, there’s a spider in your bathroom the size of a Buick!”--Alvy (Annie Hall/1977)


Are you seriously comparing criticism of fat people to racism and homophobia? Seriously?


How dare you presume to know the motivations of other people. Some people might just use that as an excuse, but I'm sure there are way more people horrified that there are individuals out there who are, little by little, killing themselves. Heart disease, type two diabetes and a plethora of other weight related maladies could so easily be prevented. It's like smoking. Everyone knows that it's a detriment to your health, everyone knows that it can cause lung cancer, but so many people either ignore the risks, or don't care. It's extremely disturbing, at least to me, and yes, I am legitimately concerned. If you want to be obese and unhealthy, fine, that's your business, but don't you dare make excuses for yourself unless there is an actual diagnosed medical condition preventing you from losing weight. That's the only problem I have with some fat people, they make excuses for themselves, or try to justify their fatness. If all the fat people who don't eat right, don't exercise and have no physical reason to be the way they are said, "you know what? I'm fat, I know it's unhealthy and I don't care that I will probably die prematurely of an easily prevented disease," I would have so much respect for them.


why the hell do you even care what fat people think? so what if they complain, LET THEM, and a *beep* life.
them haterz can't tell me nothin


It's less about needing an excuse to dislike someone.. It's more of a way to counter the millions of people pushing for fat acceptance. It's not something that should be accepted. Yeah, hey if you want to be fat, do it. But don't go around claiming people hate you because you're overweight, it's not true.



I'm of two minds on this. At 6' 3 and 250 pounds I'm still overweight, but much less so than 16 months ago when I was pushing 400! I can love myself and own how I look while still striving for improvement. I have a belly and an extra chin, but I've discovered an inner confidence and an open mind that I wouldn't have if I hadn't b been tipping the scales for some time. Even still considering myself fat, I can easily say I like myself finally. In that regard, I don't think it's up to anyone to comment about another person. Who's to say that person you oinked at hasn't already made great strides in their personal struggle? Giant steps that can easily be backslid by an offhand, insensitive comment. Having faced ridicule for many things my skin has thickened, but others may not be so lucky. "Fat acceptance" is about loving a person, not a body. It means not side eyeing someone with extra weight who's eating a cookie. Maybe it's their cheat day, maybe they lost someone and are doing some calorie therapy, maybe, most importantly, it's none of your damn business, period. I've been exhilarated by the fact that the X's in front of the L's on my shirt have gone down to 1, sometimes none depending on the brand. The first time I went shirtless at the beach I'm sure people thought "WhoTF does he think he is?", especially as I walked around with my head held high like I had the body of an adonis, and I didn't care. If my weight plateaus tomorrow I'll be fine with that, I'll be happy and secure in myself, and that's what I think "fat acceptance" really is: letting every individual CHOOSE their level of confidence and when they want to have it.

When you're 17 a cow can seem dangerous and I alone here?


You can twist it any way you want and hide behind the truth, but the reality is that being overweight IS unhealthy. Period. That's it. To say that you should leave them alone and just let them be is ridiculous. Try telling that to a mother with a 400-pound daughter who continues to gain weight, or to anyone who is watching a close friend/loved one self-destruct, whether it's weight or some other dangerous factor.

If you asked any obese person if they were truly happy, and they told you yes, they'd be lying to your face. I can say this because I was once there--morbidly obese and unhappy--and while I hated admitting it, I was miserable. Day after day, I would put up the same old excuses: "Hey, I'm a person just like everyone else, I have a loving family and good friends, I'm as smart and capable as anybody else in my class, and I'm fine". But I wasn't fine. There may have been areas of my life that made me happy, but I wasn't TRULY happy. I was huge, my feet and back were constantly hurting, I couldn't just walk into a regular clothing store and find my size, and as I neared my college graduation day, I knew I'd be competing in interviews with people who were every bit as educated and capable as I, but who might have an edge over me because they were at a more average physical weight.

I could walk around acting as if I didn't care about any of this, and believe me, I did for a while, but eventually, the day came where I woke up and realized I wasn't going to take it anymore. I knew I could do better--be better--and that's when I found the will to go to Weight Watchers, lose 150 pounds, and improve my life. But it only happened when I stopped blaming others for my problems and acting like they were the ones causing my unhappiness.

One thing I will agree with, though, is that you can't force anybody to feel the way you do about the issue. If someone is obese, and they don't care about changing, then you'll feel like you're talking in circles if you try getting through to them. When they've had enough with their misery, and they're ready to make the change, they will do it, and it will be for themselves, not anyone else. That's because in the end, when you're working that hard to transform your life, it's just you and your own body. You're the only one who can make those decisions on how to treat that body.

That's the long version of my story. The really short version? Being overweight is unhealthy. The thing about the truth is that it sneaks up on us whether we want to hear it or not.


It's unhealthy.


It's unhealthy, you fatass!
