MovieChat Forums > Free State of Jones (2016) Discussion > Keri Russel wife lobotomized or WHAT?

Keri Russel wife lobotomized or WHAT?

I'm stunned that I've scoured this board quickly yet find nowhere does anyone address or question WHY the hell his wife isn't BEYOND livid her husband leaves her & their (recently pretty SICK)...young baby (to probably she survived is mystery to me)... yes, he is a deserter, has chosen to rebel (isn't THAT also maybe a decision a Husband & wife make together?) so therefore, has his own life to worry about but NEVER ONCE do we see him think of his FAMILY.---much more, in a time of hostile, ugly war.

Talk about blowing MY mind.

No reflection, no concern!
NO instead, he worries more about HIS personal survival & that of total strangers (NOT that they weren't worth it but do they rise to the level of his FAMILY? Of course NOT...THERE, where he took a vow & has inherent responsibility to!).

She states...when finally catching up with he & his new lady! (DO forget RACE for one second for goodness sakes, in this area of the story, that's immaterial, people...he's f'ing MARRIED with a young child!!! WHY is that nothing here?)

But back to my sentence, Russel states (and we see as much) that not ONE but TWO of their houses were burned down (let's remember, due to his actions!!), then demurely adds she "has nowhere to go" as she looks downtrodden & like SHE'S bothersome! Says she shouldn't "be there"!!
I wanted to shake her until she WOKE UP!!
Seems I'm alone there watching stunned because SHE not only should've been by his side all along (or risk to be discussed) but at this point, any NORMAL deserted-wife, should be kicking his ass ---------maybe shooting him in the head!! OK well I would if I caught up with ass#$#%-husband who RAN off but doesn't once take into account his wife & family predicament or stop for a second to think about their well-being. THAT is HIS sole responsibility, especially given this time-frame!

IF THAT makes him some "heroic" figure, well I disagree. An utterly HUGELY flawed one if the case can even be made. I don't care if we're suppose to focus on the larger picture.
But then worse, it's brushed OH...I guess he's with her now, I'll just stay in the next room ...try not to be a nuisance & outta the way! Like she's GRATEFUL they will provide her & son shelter.

Are you KIDDING me?

So repeat...did all these ppl have lobotomies? Seriously! I am NOT kidding, I wanted her to kick his selfish, cowardly & outlandishly adulterous ass!!

But NO mention of any of this at all because the "larger context" must be considered. NOPE..don't think so. She's sitting there knitting with the mistress her HUSBAND has had child with & all is right with her world?

Utterly ridiculous in an otherwise pretty good movie.
And before someone mentions this is "based on real story" and true to the narrative, I'd STILL like to respond by saying, well where's the indignation & response to all that here? Because of all other horrors we are subject to, that negates this? It does NOT.
It was totally missing, so all I could think (given she's pretty enough to get ANY guy in all the south & NORTH)... she must've been either moron or brain damaged!!


"before someone mentions this is "based on real story" and true to the narrative"

The movie has a lot of fictional elements. This is Gary Ross' version of Newt Knight.

"She's sitting there knitting with the mistress her HUSBAND has had child with & all is right with her world?"

It is true that Knight remained married to Serena while "shacking up" with Rachel, but Serena's reaction to that situation is a big unknown. The way they portray it in the movie is strange.


In a 2 hour movie it's impossible to include every event and relationship and go into infinite detail in an historic figure's life. And Newton Knight's life would have needed several mini-series to scratch the surface.

In the movie both Serena and Rachel have a token child. In reality, Serena and Newt had 9 children. Rachel had already had 8 children before she even met Newt, her first born when she was only 13, raped by her then slaveowner. And then they went on to have 5 children together. Both Newt and Rachel's children were much older when they met. Rachel had been bought by Newt's grandfather as a teenager (though she already had 3 children, female slaves were treated like broodmares). Newt's uncle had probably fathered her other children. Ross changed all this because he would otherwise have been obliged to spend a lot of screentime explaining how the Knight family was divided: Newt, his father and brothers were opposed to secession and slavery (and never owned any slaves), his grandfather was the largest slaveowner in the county. This was true of many families in the area. Some of the Knight Company had relatives who fought for the Confederacy. It was a very bitter, divisive war.

And even more surprising is the fact that later on 2 of Newt and Serena's children married 2 of the children Rachel had had prior to meeting Newt.

Serena later lived with her daughter Molly and Rachel's son Jeff after they married. Molly died young and Serena stayed with Jeff and the children, even after he remarried a black woman. So Serena must have been pretty cool with the situation.

Rachel and her daughters converted to Mormonism at some point during Reconstruction and Newt gave an interview late in life and described himself as a Mormon. Rachel even travelled to Utah to look into moving the family there but decided against it, no doubt having realized the missionaries who converted her had not explained the deeply racist views of the Mormon church at that time.

So I think you can consider them "sister wives".


"Rachel and her daughters converted to Mormonism at some point during Reconstruction and Newt gave an interview late in life and described himself as a Mormon."

It seems ole Newt had a tendency to become something after the fact to give a rationale for his behavior. After deserting he became a "southern Unionist" though he had no such sentiments prior to deserting. After shacking up with another woman...he became a Mormon.


Wow. That's awesome. Thanks for sharing all of these great details...truth is more fascinating than fiction...I love the complexity (which came through in the eyes of the photos throughout the film).


I must say when wife and son returned, and Rachel recommended a shack somewhere away from the main house for them, I was perplexed. Newt seemed to welcome them somewhat mildly too.

To my knowledge, Newt and Serena had not divorced. This was Newt's wife and family that he abandoned. When did he stop feeling the protection and responsibility for them? I expected him to run out and embrace them and be so happy to see them. I expected him to have some sort of conflict about his new life-- after all the boy was still young, so it's not like they had been separated for years and years. However, Newt he acted like they were simply former acquaintances he was willing to take in. The movie never showed him worrying or wondering about them.

It's not sufficient to say ... the movie couldn't tackle everything. If anything, the son's court case was extraneous and could have been excluded. Since they included that, they certainly should have included how Newt made the transition emotionally and legally from a man married to Serena to a man who was living a quasi-marital life with Rachel.

If they had shown Rachel with someone else in Georgia, I would have understood the relationship was over on her end as well.


WOW, interesting reading, all of you. Thanks much.

I happen to subscribe my husband to Smithsonian as his Xmas gift(have yet to read their article on this film yet, often will peruse issues myself when mood hits me) but when asked (since I see others quoting Smithsonian piece) he mentioned they stated this movie was faithful to the actual story.

This is not to state they weren't but IF all is true that you both write, then it has to be noted they were woefully inept & left out very noteworthy aspects of these characters' lives.

Yes, I basically extrapolated that most slaves (being slaves!) were commonly raped, that's been evidenced in most documentation we have of those years.

And I just imagined it a given there likely wasn't an "abortion" option then, so the slave-masters kept the slaved children as new slaves ..............(though, think about it.... HOW was that explained to these rich men's wives there too? husband: BTW...we need more help, so I am going to be raping our slaves? ".....wife: OK, dear!")

Because even IF they acted they weren't the biological fathers, there certainly had to be clear & convincing evidence otherwise, of MANY "mixed" race children at the time of slavery.
Though yes, I GET it...if you had even a drop of suspected-Black-blood, they were deemed Black. I know it. But I'm just sayin'' could it NOT be point of contention in families that "Dad" is actual father to the younger slaves? No biggie, eh?

But yes, I suspected the slave girls probably had many children, product of their rapes.

At any rate, all that aside, what I found MOST illuminating was to read of ALL the many children both women had.
Honestly, didn't think it could be worse but seems it can.

Makes him even MORE a monster if he leaves wife (in horrible circumstance) with NINE kids--like a serious psychopath (even more so, IF it's in any way true, both their responses when she shows up with her kid...OR really, NINE in tow).

Found it fascinating to read his Grandfather had money & plenty of slaves but neither he nor his father (as usually money, land & slaves would be passed to next generations!) given he didn't strike me as inordinately ANTI-slave initially but acting out of self-preservation for his crops & such. (so I'll simply suspect perhaps his father did something to maybe tick off his grandfather).

ADD in the Mormon aspect, and man...have you got a story there!! Story rich with surprises.

Surely they can't fit it ALL in, true, but that's kinda important & certainly I think MIGHT belong before adding in son's situation/marriage issue for their ending.

But also highly amusing if you consider many of their (back to Mormon issue) sects DO promote their twisted, sexist polygamy (of course ONLY for the husband)--even today, but clearly, HAD To be worse then.

Next, all this inter-marriages of persons (sure reads as if some were marrying their relatives, maybe even their siblings!) when race was a HUGE hot-button issue is confounding to me.

NO wonder anyone from the South is disavowing this film with vengeance, rightfully believing it reflects horribly on them (because IF true, it promotes stereotypes we "Yankees" have joked about probably SINCE the CW). And that is without even including this additional incendiary character information.

And please, NO need to remind me the North had its racists & so on & so forth.....because that is NOT what I'm trying to incite, bring up or even converse about, truly NOT my intention with the direction of my post...BUT will add in case someone bites there: while absolutely true that racists exist everywhere even today--- still, there is simply NO comparison in THIS time frame, with widely held, widespread common beliefs & systematic atrocities of the South, that THIS region was reprehensible as for the conduct of many.

BTW, also OFF topic!!
I take HUGE offense to Lincoln-bashers out there!! Are you KIDDING me...HE, a noble man, WAS the reason slavery ended when it did, no argument otherwise & he was reviled by the South! He had such a profound impact on history, there almost aren't adequate words to give him the credit he deserves.

Was a racist ideology everyone in the south?!!
Of course not (as the movie indicated!) but it was the prevailing sentiment & conduct of many!
Let's be HONEST about history, it's the only way to move forward.
NO point in sticking your head in the sand about the South during the Civil War. You could witness brother against brother in the battlefield & one of the saddest, harshest & worst moments in history. Bloodiest, goriest, certainly, pitiful war.

But again, heck...given the critical nature of your race living BACK then, you certainly must've had a HECK of a lot of mixed race persons all labeled Black ----back when labels carried hefty weight; now we are frowned on even assigning labels to most anything.

Lastly, I found previous reads entirely fascinating!
So must repeat. I am appreciative of the additional information as it's proved immensely insightful & makes this more complex than what was outlined in the film's narrative. I'd prefer films sticking extremely close to facts as they exist but other than what they chose to leave out, will assume the plot reliable enough (or so I hope! I KNOW others feel otherwise).

Almost incidental at this point, I gotta end with adding how I am even MORE convinced this desperate wife might've preferred being lobotomized now.
I know in her sorry shoes, it's what I'd have preferred...just CHECK OUTED entirely! That is NOT survival strength but seriously mentally crippling misfortune.


"...they stated this movie was faithful to the actual story."

They have the names right- "Newt Knight," "Jones County" etc.

After that it's a pig-in-a-poke.


There's an excellent recent documentary produced by the Mississippi PBS about Newton Knight. Several of his descendants (white, black and a black woman who appears to be white) discussing their heritage and several historians from Mississippi and elsewhere discussing the factual basis of the story.

The movie necessarily had to cut many events out of Knight's life to keep the length below 2 1/2 hours, but in reality Serena left Newt to stay with family in Georgia because he had been arrested and tortured by the Confederates and taken in chains back to the front and their farm was destroyed, all their worldly goods confiscated by the Confederates. She and their children were in danger and had no means of support. The Confederates took revenge on the families of men in the Knight Company, destroying their farms, arresting their relatives and threatening to lynch elderly relatives and young boys who were related to members of the Knight Company.


thanks for the link, i knew PBS had made a documentary of it but couldn't find it at the time so i stopped looking.


I didn't think he necessarily abandoned them at first because he was being sought after for being a deserter to the cause. But afterwards when he formed his own militia group, he was getting closer to Rachel. I thought that was odd. Then when his wife and son eventually caught up with him, he treated her like a stranger. It is true that another odd thing was the two women sitting on the porch. The wife actually held the baby so Rachel could continue what she was doing. It did seem like sister wives, which is odd to me.


Don't forget Newt Knight was a real-life hunk. In the photographs of him he looks uncannily like McConaughey. And someone who knew him described him as being 6'4" tall, powerfully built but "as lithe as a cat" with long curly black hair. A Civil War hottie.



The kid in the trenches calls him uncle Newt for Pete's sake.
One hour thirty minutes in, and I was still wondering if they were brother and sister.


? wasn't there a scene where the wife says "I can't do this anymore" and leaves with the kid?

Hello,Mister sniper sir!!-Riggs

I count six shots n*****!!
I count two guns n*****


(above)--not that I recall. IF so, missed that.

Again...understandably, he HAD to leave initially to survive (and yet leave his wife & kid in quite the lurch, houses burned down, treated like prey & traitors & all on account of HIS actions) then it got even weirder when wife FINALLY shows (notice he never once either looks or even WORRIES for her)....& SHE'S the one demure at door, with her head hung low acting like SHE'S a bother! HUH? again...THAT's when I had enough thinking...WTH!!!!? Scene stopped me cold. Even for Civil War time when women had FAR less rights. Indefensible, reprehensible!
Obviously....I don't care if he was actually a "hottie" then (reference to earlier post, I will take that on faith as it's very likely valid about his looks)... hardly any logical excuse!
So to me anyhow, more than a bit of a cad where it REALLY matters (war aside!) & not insignificant story detail.


She says that to him "I can't do this anymore".. when Newt prepares to run from the hunters and dogs, while preparing him gun and powder, and taking her hand off Newt's hand while he was holding it..she walks away. Usually at times like these, someone fighting for a cause, a noble one at that, which includes slavery too, usually a lonely path. His wife didn't support him, what do you want him to do ? Force them..take the child away from the mother ? He was too focused on what he needed to do, he didn't have enough time to think about the family. Serena chose to leave anyway, not in one point she tried to find him. Not saying Newt was right at doing this, as Jasper says to him at point, " You are the most stubborn man I have ever met." Personally, I don't know much about the real "Newton Knight", but in this movie, as a hero, he was quite alright. Rachel was the woman by his side, helping him in his cause, like any other straight sensible man, he fell for her..filling the void Serena had created. Serena was cool with it, since she understood, she was the one left him at the first place. However, her interaction later in the movie with Newt, Rachel etc, the pacing and editing of the movie, I didn't like.

How the name, "Martha" brought out the real Batman


I want to reply (and looks like I!)
but time has taken away some of the finer details in my memory of this movie now.

Still I decided to help jog my memory, I'd read my ORIGINAL post & the replies underneath to see what I was asserting & also what others saw there.

So first I gotta say, IF I felt as passionately (as apparently I DID when seeing this at the show) then I will firmly stick to HOW the movie represented this. That's all we're told & have to go on at the time, WHAT is revealed in the plot & narrative.

One must keep in mind-- regardless of his wife for a second here--just as a person (sizing up his character!)...he did NOT start out on any "noble" cause whatsoever (meaning, help the slaves) ---this man was simply not in alignment with the cause & he did NOT want to fight. His entire motive was to desert.
That's his first & only impetus to his desertion, selfish & survival motivations.

Which again had MAJOR repercussions on his wife. He neither cared nor appeared to feign caring even slightly. I am neither saying nor implying he was WRONG in that position (that is not what I was judging here), only stating he was solely thinking entirely selfishly. Nothing good or noble there. Not when you have SO many others (those without ANY choice) dependent on your every move.

Secondly, I will take it on faith she did say (as you wrote), I can't take this anymore (only because I don't remember most of this movie now, I see too many).

Speaking to that, sounds totally reasonable response to me. One I think we'd ALL say.

Keep in mind, she was virtually being HUNTED down & treated like total pariah due to HIS decision. Again, NOT inconsequential, one that IN NO WAY involved any sort of "conversation' with his WIFE.

So I'll repeat, isn't that how BIG decisions should be made? How dare he act on behalf of others, impacting their lives in the most drastic fashion he could, without THEIR opinions asked, much less...weighed! (not meaning those of the young children too young to think--but yes, need intense CARING-- but the wife AGAIN)
I'd have found & KILLED him after the war (but that's just me 😉)

Heck, I wouldn't care if she hit him on head with a frying pan & chased him out of their shack, NOTHING justifies his callous disregard (but no..I can state for certain, she did NOT).
One thing I'm positive of, she did NOT abandon him, he did her.

Plus other posts above provided me even graver insights that he (in actuality) was worse than even displayed in movie (and yes, I googled & verified them. Learned a bit more about this arrogant man)....he didn't have ONE kid but MANY....which compounds the ethical crime! Magnifying it beyond my scope or reason.

You do realize this was time of the Civil War, women had little options, virtually NO say in society legally or otherwise, none of their own money & resources & NO way to earn their own keep (not with MANY children to care for)! It was a total nightmare & horror show for those trying to raise children without husbands.

I did look that up, all true.

He deserted not just the war but HIS family with many children, he didn't LOOK BACK (just forward) and showed utter disregard & insurmountable irresponsibility in doing so.
I need know NO MORE about a person beyond those simple facts.

Just a cad, no matter WHAT else good he did in this world, no recovering from the most basic tenets of human decency (as a husband, yes but seems for many of you...maybe! But as a FATHER... especially! Not one person has posted an adequate response to explain that one away, he was all these children's FATHER & reprehensible one at THAT).


I understand your point, totally. First of, he was not a soldier, he was a Nurse. According the movie anyway. He saw a kid get shot and die in front of him, not everyone can take such phenomenon lightly, thus he had a reason to desert. Serena wasn't being hunted in the beginning, she was just being watched. In reality, he was enlisted, deserted just because he didn't want to fight Union anymore.. arrested and tortured, then stood up against corrupted confederacy government. His legacy is disputed by his own family anyway, praised by one of his sons, criticized by one of his Niece.

He made a choice. Was it a great one ? I don't know, but it involved having to leave his family behind, to stand up against tyranny of sorts. The thing I liked, which is he didn't divide people according to race, ranks etc, which was pretty common in that era specially among South Confederacy. Was he harsh to his family ? Maybe. Relationships don't always work out anyway.

How the name, "Martha" brought out the real Batman


Good points. And some very meritorious choices, for sure.

Kinda complex protagonist & I understand all that oppose my focus on SOLELY family & feel it was of a higher purpose he served. Valid (in a sense).
I guess I'm just biased toward 'family" responsibility (over country maybe) so that's what tends to flow out.

NO argument, he certainly served as a controversial figure, even today.

One thing for sure...none of us are ALL bad or all good (least not my findings) but often some of both in dramatic fashion (meaning individuals seemingly capable of ONLY incredible bad deeds-- often even frightening-- HAVE at times, stunned the world having shown themselves capable on amazing good. Same applies of those mostly doing good, they too can have singular moment, or more. of tremendous bad or evil). The world & people aren't black or white, more gray.

To me, this guy perfectly illustrated how people are complicated dichotomies. Better not to pigeonhole.
This is also maybe a lesson for us all to express more human compassion, given none of us are perfect.

I'd absolutely like to assert in NO uncertain terms I'd never fight for (or support) the Confederacy (if living in the south then) but chances are I would. I feel I'd not have the courage to face the admonishment to follow had I been bold enough to dissent.

I'd also like to believe (even if faced with NO option but my own death, as that became the case) I'd NEVER comply with the German Army if unfortunately placed there during WWII but fact is...staring down your own death might be very hard to choose instead (labyrinth of lies is a wonderful film dealing with such conundrums).

So true, life is messy with lots of gut-wrenching decisions to be made (for some). I think it best we all learn this & try to understand better ones potential plight.
Appreciate your thoughts.


He got some of that savage strange that had been trained in the ways of pleasing men. You expect him to go back to his old crusty frigid wife?


Lol! Sure hope you're kidding (hard to tell in context of writing of course).
Savage strange? I'm about as FAR from PC as one gets but sounds pretty racist. And nothing frigid about Kerry Russel I imagine (better looking than 99% of any women I know anyhow). the only thing crusty there must be what's rumbling around in that brain of yours!!


No, I'm not kidding. You must be kidding with your sensitivity.


given that (you're not kidding), I'm not either.

Also not too sensitive (or a minority which if I was one, wouldn't appreciate being stereotyped). but hey...just me.
I am MORE than confident any women looking like Russel wouldn't notice you (crotchsplitter....yeah, um...amusing), so maybe explains the insults (can imagine what might have been or IS hurled at you).

but hey....Knock yourself out...I don't care.


You say you're not sensitive, but you obviously are.

Glad you are MORE than confident. Just shows how utterly wrong your opinions are.

Please stop abusing the ellipsis.


You're an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll abuse whatever I so choose, moron. TRY to stop me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You obviously do NOT know what an ellipsis is & are confusing it with parenthesis.
So hilarious!!
Did you finish out 3rd grade??
Nothing funnier than being admonished by a vegetable.

Also, clearly YOU, troll, warrant the extreme punctuation. Even that which you fail to identify properly. Here's a thought!! Maybe you can hire a 8 yr old to teach you punctuation marks.
Oh that's right...surely you can't afford that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU crotch-man (surely NO ONE'S been near that...EEEW!) need not reply.
You are deservedly & obviously going into "IGNORE" (story of your life, eh?) so nothing will be read (think I can speak for the WHOLE world where you're involved!
(BUT sleep well knowing I will try to use MORE parenthesis in YOUR troll-honor!)))))))))))))))


given that (you're not kidding), I'm not either.

Also not too sensitive (or a minority which if I was one, wouldn't appreciate being stereotyped). but hey...just me.
I am MORE than confident any women looking like Russel wouldn't notice you (crotchsplitter....yeah, um...amusing), so maybe explains the insults (can imagine what might have been or IS hurled at you).

but hey....Knock yourself out...I don't care.

Ellipsis (plural ellipses; from the Ancient Greek: ἔλλειψις, élleipsis, "omission" or "falling short") is a series of dots (typically three, such as "…") that usually indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning.


maybe consider changing your name here.

instead of explaining ellipsis, spend energy more wisely.

for instance, look up meaning of "something clever" before donning user name.!!...






He got some of that savage strange that had been trained in the ways of pleasing men. You expect him to go back to his old crusty frigid wife?

What the hell are you talking about? Do you even know? What you said sounds very ignorant and just plain stupid,period.


If you actually watch the movie you will see the scene in which Serena Says to Newton, "Why you always gotta fight everyone else's battles. I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE." So it is her that ends the relationship. She *beep* off and leaves him to fight his battles alone.
Later when she has been through much hardship and relises the error she has made in not standing by this outstanding human being she returns with hat in hand practically begging for forgiveness. She relises she *beep* up and has to accept her (ex) husband's new partner. It's all pretty clear and self-explanatory really. I don't understand your confusion.


Nothing confusing about any of what you wrote.

Happens to be entirely wrong.
Maybe watch film again, comprehension lacking there.
You literally are ENTIRELY wrong; Kinda hard to manage that.


Are you a troll? When you said: 'Nothing confusing about any of what you wrote.

Happens to be entirely wrong.
Maybe watch film again, comprehension lacking there.
You literally are ENTIRELY wrong; Kinda hard to manage that. "

You were clearly trolling. You don't remember his wife saying I can't take this anymore? It happened after he was teaching those little girls how to handle a weapon and the standoff with the confederate soldiers trying to take their hogs.
She clearly said it and afterward he started the relationship with Rachel.

A PBS documentary says she left him and moved out to her family in Georgia and they reconciled later. She couldn't handle being married to a man with such a strong moral code

Are you a troll? Cause I was reading these posts of your and that last one had me cracking up laughing because you were so serious and seriously wrong up to that point but now your just seriously wrong..... so I guess that means you must be a troll


Are you a troll? When you said: 'Nothing confusing about any of what you wrote.

Happens to be entirely wrong.
Maybe watch film again, comprehension lacking there.
You literally are ENTIRELY wrong; Kinda hard to manage that. "

You were clearly trolling. You don't remember his wife saying I can't take this anymore? It happened after he was teaching those little girls how to handle a weapon and the standoff with the confederate soldiers trying to take their hogs.
She clearly said it and afterward he started the relationship with Rachel.

A PBS documentary says she left him and moved out to her family in Georgia and they reconciled later. She couldn't handle being married to a man with such a strong moral code

Are you a troll? Cause I was reading these posts of your and that last one had me cracking up laughing because you were so serious and seriously wrong up to that point but now your just seriously wrong..... so I guess that means you must be a troll


Do you have serious case of amnesia or just so pompous & arrogant & prefer to post exact thing twice because you fear you weren't read the first time?
Maybe just keep posting the SAME thing over & over again in hopes it will be read.

Still will be wrong. Wouldn't matter if you copied it over hundreds of times here. Knock yourself out. Literally. Seriously, I'm sure it's not the worst way you could spend your time. In fact, my bet is you wrote things OVER & over again in school ---it's what teachers did to teach persons unable to "get it"--so might be habit for you by now. One hard to break.

You fail to GET it. I & others are responding to what is depicted in the FILM, that is what this board is for.

OH, and whatever you care to call me means less than nothing to me, so no worries,
go to town & name-call away if it brings you a modest amount of joy. Pathetic way to feel good about yourself but do what you need to, bud!


Wow, you went from decent to insane very quickly, I think I'll put you on ignore so I can avoid wasting time reading stuff like this in the future.


please do ignore me, that would be my honor & I will do the same.
Hilarious you HAD to announce it...are you 10 or 11 yrs old?


Nice same day response you gave there troll.

Troll 101 when you get called out make it personal you do this by finding yourself a sticking point to start out your insult (reposting) and you segway into ASSumptions into my stupidity .

You then say you are responding to what is on screen without mentioning the most important part of my message that on screen she says I can't take this anymore and doesn't appear with him on screen for awhile. But your just trolling

Congratulations you are on top of the message boards for this movie . Your 'wife lobotomized' message appears first when you click this movie on IMDB. You must feel real special. I bet this made your day when you saw it troll. Good Job I like the strong usage of words like lobotomized in the title to shock people into reading your trollific post.

You get an A for good humor and good skill in trolling but your routine is a bit predictable troll
