MovieChat Forums > Free State of Jones (2016) Discussion > A movie about the first USA Traitor war

A movie about the first USA Traitor war

The southern states were traitors who tried to destroy the USA. They deserved to be crushed on the battle field, and many still need to have a boot on their neck, to keep them from destroying innocent human beings.


Then quote the law that made secession illegal.


If you believe the civil war was fought over slavery then you really need to stop posting on the internet and start reading books. Your opinion is worthless.

The primary reason of the civil war was over state vs federal rights. Slavery was a secondary cause.

Lawrence of Arbia, he was an English guy who came to fight the Turkish


Give us the titles and authors of the history books that explain that. Only books written by actual historians, not neo-Confederate propaganda.



They're just repeating the same lies they learned in school because they never bothered to educate themselves with the truth.


Yeah school can't educate you like some crazy website huh? What are your sources? Name them.


Actually, I'm not American so I didn't learn that much detail about American history in school. Indeed, until a few years ago, I rather took it for granted that slavery was an oversimplification and knew nothing of the arguments for and against secession. Then the subject started to pique my interest and I started to read more. As Tyghock suggests, I tried to get to original sources and found, somewhat to my surprise, that slavery really was the reason states tried to leave. All the claims of tariffs and revenue and the like turned out to be pretty much baseless and I found that there was indeed a sound legal basis for opposing secession.




The primary reason of the civil war was over state vs federal rights. Slavery was a secondary cause.

Oh,please----so-called "state's rights" was just a euphenism in the South for "We want to do whatever the hell we want, including discriminating against black people and treating them like s***, without the government checking us on it." That's all that's ever meant. Slavery was the main damn cause behind the Civil War, and you know it. Quit being delusional.
