Iron Maiden

We all know this movie is inspired by the album "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son." So my question, is Eddie going to be in the movie?


die hard maiden fan here!! saw the movie.. no eddy and no song seventh son.. not even a whisper... very dissapointed, love that album

reply *do* know this movie has nothing to do with Iron Maiden, right? Hell, even the Iron Maiden album borrowed from centuries old folklore. IM didn't create the concept of a "seventh son of a seventh son"


Haha.. Iron Maiden, as amazingly awesome as they are, is one of the least creative bands lyrically in all of metal. They liberally borrow from novels, movies, folklore, history and current events. Especially Steve Harris is guilty of doing that all the time. That said, their newer albums actually contain more songs with original lyrical themes.

Here's a quick list of Maiden songs (by no means exhaustive) that were blatantly inspired by history, television, films or literary sources. Everyone feel free to add any I missed  I've added notes next to the ones that use a different title than the film or book:

Phantom of the Opera
Strange World
Murders in the Rue Morgue
Children of the Damned
The Prisoner
Run to the Hills
Where Eagles Dare
Flight of Icarus
Die With Your Boots On
Quest For Fire
Sun and Steel
To Tame A Land (originally titled Dune until Frank Herbert made them change it)
Aces High
The Duellists
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Caught Somewhere in Time
Heaven Can Wait
Stranger in a Strange Land
Alexander the Great
entire Seventh Son of a Seventh Son album
Run Silent, Run Deep
The Fugitive
Sign of the Cross
Lord of the Flies
Man on the Edge (Falling Down)
Fortunes of War
The Edge of Darkness (Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now)
The Clansman (Braveheart)
The Wicker Man
Brave New World
The Mercenary (Predator)
The Fallen Angel (End of Days)
Out of the Silent Planet
The Longest Day


Not sure why this would be a negative. I love that they take from history, novels, movies, etc. So many times I've heard one of their songs and then raced to find out more information about the source. I rather they write this way, then writing numerous songs about screwing, drinking and partying.


Least creative?

What is creativity to you then?

Singing about love for the 1000000000000000x time?

At least Dickison and Harris went and make great lyrics out of great historic novels & myths. And not every song is about them either.

They are 100x times more creative than Metallica for lyrics and that is just an example.

What are you? A 100% creative person, or one who is influenced by everything you have watched, read and heard from the time you were born?

Maiden just picked that and transposed it into music. That is being creative on its own right & I prefer listening to a song with real meaning than a song that can be reproduced in lyrics on every band out there.

Maiden are unique mate, long live the Irons


The two have nothing to do with each other.


Up the Irons! Saw this tour in Chicago.



I just got done listening to the full album for the 20,000 time. Seeing a commercial for the movie compelled me to.
Like a lot of us Headbangers, Earthdogs, Hell Rats, & Rivetheads I wondered if there is a connection or if any songs would be in the movie.

And true Maiden fans are never alone, there just too many of us out here.


Well, you are wrong. The movie is inspired by the book,and the maiden album is also inspired by the book.


Wikipedia indicates that Iron Maiden's Steve Harris received inspiration for the 1988 album after having read Orson Scott Card's Seventh Son (The Tales of Alvin Maker series), which was published in 1987.

Delaney's The Spook's Apprentice/The Last Apprentice: Revenge of the Witch"" was published in 2004.

The idea of the mystically gifted seventh son of a seventh son that they all used has been a part of folklore for centuries.



IMO the last really epic Maiden album through and through. It's a masterpiece. Great post!

🐈 High Their!


i missed it when it was out when is it on vhs
