MovieChat Forums > Seventh Son (2015) Discussion > Julianne Moore - Poor mans Eva Green

Julianne Moore - Poor mans Eva Green

Julianne Moore is usually an adequate actress, but for this role you really wanted somebody more like Eva Green.


by phoenix_wolfsun ยป 55 minutes ago (Sun Aug 31 2014 05:32:06)

Julianne Moore is usually an adequate actress, but for this role you really wanted somebody more like Eva Green.
"Poor man's Eva Green," how? I doubt they got Moore because they wanted Green but couldn't get her, nor did they get Moore because she's "like" Eva Green. The two actresses couldn't be more un-alike.

Eva Green has played plenty of fantasy roles, even dark ones. The fact that you said "for this role, you really want somebody more like Eva Green" means that she's already starting to get type-cast.

I honestly think it's refreshing to see Julianne Moore in something like this. She's not just "usually" an adequate actress; she's actually rather versatile, playing roles that couldn't be far from each other. I love Green, but lately it's so easy to pin her down to a specific role, while with Moore, you never know what role she'll be playing next.

Now, that's not to say I'm positive Moore will do well in this movie. I can't judge until I actually see her performance. But at least it won't be Green playing the role.


Yes Julianne Moore, four time Academy Award nominee... The poor mans Eva Green.

You sir are a fool.


This is a joint Chinese Russian production. Moore probably had less scruples than Green.


How dare you??? Seriously.

I have nothing against Eva Green, a beautiful woman, but to compare her to Julianne Moore is so utterly stupid I have to say something!

Eva Green is like a star in a constellation up in the night sky. A bright star, a notable star. But Julianne Moore is the full moon. Case closed.


Except that Moore is far more accomplished than Eva Green.


In the words of Willy Wonka; strike that, reverse it.


You just insulted Julianne Moore, but it's ok


I just read your thread as "I want to see Eva Green topless in one more movie", who can disagree?


i got your point, you mean that Eva Green is better in this tupe of roles but maybe she did not want to make the movie becasue it is rated pg-13 so there are no place for nudity and sex scenes for her.

i went to see INCEPTION 5 times... !!!
