MovieChat Forums > Blue Valentine (2011) Discussion > After watching it the 2nd time I've deci...

After watching it the 2nd time I've decided Cindy's a total b*tch

I am female myself, also a mother to a little girl, and know how sucky married lfie can be. However after watching it this time and catching the scene where she says he's "probably not" the father, then watching her treat him like crap as the years go on, while here he is, trying to be nice, taking care of a child that is not hi, humiliating him in front of her coworkers by calling him abusive names like *beep* etc. I honestly think Dean wouldn't have aged so fast and maybe had a more exciting job if he hadn't stayed with her. He should have just left her to be a single mom of that jerk's kid bc that's what ended up happening anyway. What's so sad is the little girl Frankie was so attached to him her "daddy" and odds are he won't have custodial rights if he's not the biological parent. i totally think Cindy used him to get away from her parents' house and her abusive ex, and also to save her from single parenthood.


Thank you so much for this post. I just watched this excellent film. I rarely post anything on IMDB but I had to say something about this Cindy character. Maybe I am too fresh from watching it but I hate this woman with a passion. What she did to Dean and Frankie is outrageously selfish and disturbing. What it all comes down to is that he loved her and she never loved him back. She just used him the same way she used those 20-25 guys before him. It's as simple as that. Anybody who says differently is probably also a calculated prick incapable of unconditional love.


I guess I'm a calculated prick who is incapable of unconditional love :) As a matter of fact, I KNOW you would think I am, because I don't believe in unconditional love...there are always conditions.

Anyway, I don't think she used this guy any more than he used her...I think he was an unstable drifter who latched onto the idea of stability and family that Cindy's condition presented, that's all. When you come right down to it, all relationships are about "using". If you got absolutely NOTHING from a relationship - no feelings of love, comfort, support, sexual satisfaction, financial security - fill in the blank with your favorite - would you continue with someone?

Dean was still getting what he wanted from the relationship (family, stability); Cindy was not (a mature partner, someone who would grown with her)...why shouldn't she end it?

"...if only you could see what I've seen with your eyes!" Roy Batty


Her biggest mistake was marrying someone much too quickly, and for the wrong reasons. He is also guilty of this.

That being said, Dean's a slug. My only hope is that she can pull her life together, and that Dean never, EVER enters it again. A restraining order against his might also be a good idea, as I can only see violence coming.

The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?


The plural of mouse is mice. The plural of goose is geese. Why is the plural of moose not meese?

If the plural of mouse is mice, why isn't the plural of spouse spice?

Apologies - couldn't resist the pun...besides, it might have saved the marriage.


True. No prob. Understandable. It very well could have.


Those who snore always fall asleep first.
