MovieChat Forums > House of the Dragon (2022) Discussion > i had a bad feeling about this show

i had a bad feeling about this show

when she rode the dragon to that bridge. it looked like another female superhero feminist story. now with ep 4's "slut shame" and forced abortion scenes, it looks like this show is gonna be another woke bullshit. i'm going to give this show a few more eps, if it still revolves around this girl and her feminist issues, i'm fucking out.

edit: also they tried hiding it so well but if you think about it, almost all the men in this show are idiots or evil. the king is an idiot. the uncle is an idiot. otto is supposedly evil. who's left? oh right, that's how they make female heros shine, by shitting on all the men around her.


I think theyre just issues, not feminist issues


really? her complaining that if it was a man it was ok? of course it's ok if it was a man. their whole society's social construct believes in that. wasnt this like soapbox for feminists to speak to the audience? it doesnt even make sense for her to say something like that because of the differences between men and women in that society. why would she suddenly feel "sex positive" about having sex out of wedlock and with her uncle and in a brothel in front of everyone? she was raised as a princess. propriety is everything with upper class people.

also "they're just issues" but also coincidentally the most prominent feminist issues in recent times, slut shaming, double standards regarding sexuality and abortion. lol. yea they're just issues.


I think you have issues :)


lol great argument. idiots always resort to personal attacks. you're not the first one baby.


no need to prove it though :)


did you just instantly reply? you must sit around waiting to talk to people. what a loser.


how about this one ?


Are you new to the Game Of Thrones world? There are no heroes in these stories. They're full of flawed characters. Even Rhaenerya is not all that likeable due to her random behavior.

While I do think it's leaning towards the "poor me, I'm a girl" theme, you have to keep in mind, the story will most likely have plenty of twists and turns before it's all over. At least it most likely will, which follows the Game Of Thrones recipe.

That being said, I do agree that the first 2 or 3 episodes have been less than stellar but I liked episode 4 a lot because it showed that even the girls in this world can be a little on the nefarious side.

Plus, like you said in a previous post, they're supposed to be upper class royalty, the story might not work as well if the main protagonist is a commoner. Royals follow strict guidelines and the main character doesn't like these guidelines and this is what makes the story interesting.


no heroes? john snow. rob stark. tyrion. jamie lannister's redemption, brienne. these are are all characters characters with good intentions and integrity, even jamie lannister after his redemption. john snow is purely good too.


***major spoilers for Game Of Thrones***

Tyrion? The little manwhore?

Tyrion was actually my favorite character but he wasn't a hero by any stretch of the imagination. He was drunk all the time and whoring about.

Jon was good but he did execute a kid and broke his sworn oath several times.

Robb was alright too but he lied/betrayed Walder Frey and it got his bannermen, wife and his mother killed.

Brienne was alright too but she slept with Jaime.

Jaime slept with his sister... nuff said...

Nope, there are no heroes in GoT.


didnt tyrion save the city by leading it in battle? isnt he always trying to do the good thing? drinking and whoring in no a negative thing in terms of morality. it might be immoral if he was religious but he's not. he's also not married.

game of thrones is a brutal world. how did you expect jon snow to do what needs to be done if he doesn't kill people. he executed a murderer. he broke his oath? come on man.

umm robb stark didnt marry his daughter. that's it. it wasnt a betrayal and it doesn't mean he deserved to die for it neither.

brienne slept with jamie and that's why she isnt good or cant be the hero. ok. i can't believe i even wasted time arguing with you about anything.


Well now, I hope I didn't ruin GoT for you. That would break my heart...

So it's okay for Robb to betray Walder because Walder was not your kind of bad guy? Hmmmm. Ok.

I didn't say Robb deserved to die, he just made stupid mistakes that got his men killed. Again, not a hero....

Heroes don't do stupid things that get their men killed.

Like I said, Brienne was alright but everyone knew who Jaime was and she decided to take a plunge. She was probably less egregious than most of the peeps on GoT though.

Tyrion was a drunkard. He may have had good intentions but he turns villain in many parts and even killed his own father and his former lover. I still like him though, he's such a great character in the GoT world.

Plus, I'm not arguing with you, I'm just stating my personal view on GoT. It's ok if you view them as heroes.


Jon Snow was definitely heroic. It sounds like by your definition you can only be a hero if you never make a mistake or if you are beyond any and all moral questioning.


I think that's the whole point of Martin's stories, all of the characters are of questionable moral character and lack good judgement. Even the ones that seem like "decent people" lack good judgement and at times, lack good morals and often break their oaths to fulfill their own earthly desires.

The point is, it matches up fairly well with real life. We are all flawed to some degree, we have our vices and virtues. To me, this is what made GoT such a great show because it examines these characteristics in humans with a microscope and gets into the details of why people do the things they do. No one is really a "hero" but as humans, we tend to let some things slide and still "choose" who we want to call a hero for a greater purpose.

At any rate, I'm rambling at this point... but still, was anyone a "hero" in this show? In my view, not really. At least not in the sense as to what we see in other medieval fantasy shows that have obvious heroes. I think Martin takes the hero concept and turns it upside down and thats the best part of the show.
