MovieChat Forums > The Hangover (2009) Discussion > The treatment of the baby is disturbing

The treatment of the baby is disturbing

there is no such thing as just entertainment. Entertainment expresses values, which is why most people would not welcome a movie explaining for instance, how slavery was good or women are biologically inferior to men. Most movies are not didactic like that but they drop hints about values and these hints influence people. A movie that hinted that race prejudice was not so bad for instance would be condemned, although the hint was just one line in the movie, like if a “good” character called another character by a racial epithet and the context suggested that was okay. Such a movie would disturb just a little our notions of the evils of racism and clear the way in our minds for more racism.

Now in this movie, our heroes encounter the baby in the closet. Bradley Cooper is playing a father, yet he says leave the baby there in an apartment with a tiger. What father would say such a thing? Indeed, what decent human being would, parent or not? It is not amusing. Then after putting the baby in various semi dangerous situations and not feeding him they finally find the mother, a whore who has not been the least concerned about her child’s whereabouts. And it is obvious we are meant to find that she is a likeable character.

The entire movie is callous and the fact that our heroes are friends and stick together does not make up for the stupid parts and the bad values parts. Why was it necessary to have a baby at all in the movie? Babies are not toys.


there is no such thing as just entertainment.
Sure there is.

Entertainment expresses values, which is why most people would not welcome a movie explaining for instance, how slavery was good or women are biologically inferior to men. Most movies are not didactic like that but they drop hints about values and these hints influence people. A movie that hinted that race prejudice was not so bad for instance would be condemned, although the hint was just one line in the movie, like if a “good” character called another character by a racial epithet and the context suggested that was okay. Such a movie would disturb just a little our notions of the evils of racism and clear the way in our minds for more racism.
I don't think anyone watched this movie expecting it as some kinda moral message. If they did, they're not mature/sensible enough to be watching R-rated movies in the first place.

Now in this movie, our heroes encounter the baby in the closet. Bradley Cooper is playing a father, yet he says leave the baby there in an apartment with a tiger. What father would say such a thing? Indeed, what decent human being would, parent or not? It is not amusing.
It's just a gag. He keeps forgetting about the tiger. And besides, the other guys refused to leave the baby, so it was taken care of.

the mother, a whore who has not been the least concerned about her child’s whereabouts. And it is obvious we are meant to find that she is a likeable character.
Pay more attention. Her first bit of dialogue, she's on the phone talking about how worried she is not knowing where her child is. Then after she's clearly relieved to find him "with his father," her immediate priority is feeding him while talking about how she's gonna give up her job now that she's in a family. Then at the end, she admits its a bad, crazy way to start a marraige and parts with Stu with no hard feelings. No threats of swindling him in a divorce or anything like that, and they even make plans to make an honest attempt at a real relationship.


I agree with everything Abuhin said.


I thought it was funny. Not at the table Carlos!
When You Know Better, You'll Do Better.


I agree with everything Abuhin said also


THIS ^^^^^

I am a single Father of 2 young children, my kids are my everything.....

And I still found the humor in this and had no sense of horror watching what took place in this movie.....


i agree with everything the OP said!


I'll bet you and the OP get together on Sunday afternoons and chuckle warmly as you watch the Davey and Goliath boxed set.

This is why there are a zillion channels. Find something that doesn't offend your tender sensibilities and watch that.


What a stupid comment. Of course if anyone ever talks about values, there must be a stupid dumbass there to crap on religion, even though no one mentioned religion in the first place. "This is why there are other threads in here. Find one that doesn't offend your stupid way of seeing the world".


He also doesn't get that all Christians are sinners. There is a reason they need Jesus.

Yes I'm with him. I'm uh...I'm Mrs. Igles...I'm Mrs. Iglesias


KYLE: Ready Ike? Kick the Baby!
IKE: Don't kick the baby.
KYLE: Kick the baby...
IKE: Ahhhhhh!

Don't you have better places to be? Than the Hangover's page on IMDB?


Why are we supporting a troll? Oh well...

its a movie OP, just chill out and enjoy it.

I agree with Abuhin, if your expect a moral message, its not gonna be in this movie.



OP, when I saw the previews for this movie that was actually one of the many reasons I refused to see it, seeing a baby get hit with a car door made me sick.

Then I actually watched it. And realized it was actually funny.

I'll join you when hell freezes over.
Dumbledore's Army!


Get a sense of humor!


Hopelessly devoid of a sense of humor...

its a movie


yeah... i feel sorry for OP actually.


The part with the baby and the way Bradley Cooper's character didn't give two *beep* about the baby was weird for me. He's the only one who's a father in the group yet he doesn't show even a hint of paternal instinct. He treats the baby more like a dog. Then the craziest one of all is the one holding/taking care of the baby. None of it made sense other than the fact it was supposed to be comical. They all acted like they had no idea what to do with a baby like they were all teenagers. I couldn't find it funny bc it was so unbelieveable and I'm hoping that if it were real life, 1 out of the 3 men would actually know what to do. That being said, I did like the movie just wish the baby scenes were handled more believeable.


I couldn't find it funny bc it was so unbelieveable

Are you implying that you find any of THESE situations believable?

-stealing Mike Tyson's tiger
-buying rufies from an E dealer
-drugging your friends
-getting from Vegas to LA in 3 1/2 hours
-throwing tuxes from a moving van to a moving car - successfully, mind you - on the interstate
-one guy managing to throw a mattress off a hotel roof and hitting his mark
-cops using real people in a taser demonstation
-since we're talking about kids, how about the cops LETTING the kids taser people?
-using your students' field trip money to finance your trip to Vegas
Since we're on the subject:
-$90 for a freakin' school field trip? Where's the reality in that?!?

That being said, I didn't really care for the movie much, but it had nothing to do with realism. I just didn't find it worthy of more than a chuckle here and there.

More fish for Kunta


OP makes a point. I remember seeing this in the theatre and not liking it much because I couldnt laugh while an abandoned baby was part of the plot. There is nothing funny about it.

It is the same reason I dont like Juno. Nothing funny about teen pregnancy.

After seeing Hangover many times, I realize the baby is a gag and appreciate it as one of the funniest movies I have ever seen, but in the moment--I had a hard time with the baby.

To simply say "suspend your belief" isnt good enough. It just isnt funny when you see it.


I just saw TH for the first time and I agree that some of the baby stuff was disturbing. Bradley Cooper's totally callous attitude toward the child (like when one of them says they just can't leave the baby alone and he replies, "It's not OUR baby" i.e., who cares?) was simply not funny. The poor child is also clearly badly scared during the car chase, and the director shows the kid crying with fright--uh, NOT amusing in the least. Then the baby gets hit with a car door--he was an infant and it could have killed him--again, not funny.

I enjoyed the movie overall and laughed out loud more than once but not at any of the baby stuff, which I found out-of-place, disturbing, and creepy.


Damn, I had forgot all about those scenes, poor baby :'( I don't know why people love this movie so much. Superbad is better and funnier.

"Hamburgers, the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast."


I couldnt laugh while an abandoned baby was part of the plot.

Greetings from 2019. The baby wasn't abandoned. Mom slipped out to get coffee, leaving the baby with the men. When she returned, everyone was gone. Mom didn't know about the tiger in the bathroom, either. They did that while she was back working her shift.


It's not supposed to make sense. Lighten up.


Some people only care about their own children and don't particularly care for children that aren't theirs


God, you're such a whiny pussy.

Big gulps huh? Well, cya later


I am just glad I don't live in your world.. reading only the first two or three sentances was enough to make me want to jump out the window and kill myself.

"There is no such thing as just entertainment".. in your world clearly there isn't.. or any entertainment at all.


If I spelled 'sentences' the way you do, I would jump out a window.


Entertainment expresses values, which is why most people would not welcome a movie explaining for instance, how slavery was good or women are biologically inferior to men. Most movies are not didactic like that but they drop hints about values and these hints influence people. A movie that hinted that race prejudice was not so bad for instance would be condemned, although the hint was just one line in the movie, like if a “good” character called another character by a racial epithet and the context suggested that was okay. Such a movie would disturb just a little our notions of the evils of racism and clear the way in our minds for more racism.

Oh your watch too much entertainment to say all this. Oh its not REAL repeat after me its not real!

Now in this movie, our heroes encounter the baby in the closet. Bradley Cooper is playing a father, yet he says leave the baby there in an apartment with a tiger. What father would say such a thing? Indeed, what decent human being would, parent or not? It is not amusing. Then after putting the baby in various semi dangerous situations and not feeding him they finally find the mother, a whore who has not been the least concerned about her child’s whereabouts. And it is obvious we are meant to find that she is a likeable character.

Oh his character is a survive and what do you do to the weak link?

The entire movie is callous and the fact that our heroes are friends and stick together does not make up for the stupid parts and the bad values parts. Why was it necessary to have a baby at all in the movie? Babies are not toys.

true but then again this a MOVIE Not REALITY repeat after me its not reality!



The baby doesnt understand and Alan isnt the smartest of the group.


it is a bit sick how Phil was willing to leave the baby in the same vicinity as a hungry Tiger, with his response being "it's not OUR baby".

however, his "whore" of a mother as you so wonderfully put it was only down getting coffee, she didn't ditch the baby, they took it. Why she left it in a closet though is beyond me, remember though, she was sober and they were all passed out by the time she finished her shift.


SICK maybe but think about how Phil thought. Animals like the tigar would kill or run off the young cubs to have sex with the female tigar. Well she isnt responspable parent but its the human animal kingdom. why did Susan Smith say a black man got to her and then in reality she is the one who killed her own KIDS!


The baby is mostly a vehicle to prove once and for all what idiots these guys are, especially Phil. He stole his students' money (by lying about the field trip's cost--I hope they don't cost that much nowadays!) and told an obviously worried boy that he didn't exist because it was after closing time on Friday. If that didn't convince you, his treatment of the baby must.

I thought the film was pretty good, but I sure don't think it deserves all the praise it's received. Looking forward to The Bridesmaids DVD for comparison.
