MovieChat Forums > The Killing Room (2009) Discussion > If You Don't Get It, Don't Blame The Mov...

If You Don't Get It, Don't Blame The Movie...Blame Your School System

If you don't get the movie, don't blame the movie, blame your school system for your lack of understanding. this movie is centered around 3 simple ideas which are cleanly laid out for you:
1. Apoptosis
2. MK-Ultra Project
3. The ignorance and lack of caring for civilian casualties in order to find 1 candidate

Apoptosis is when a cell basically kills itself off for the greater good of the group. This can happen when the cell is infected or damaged. Once Nick Cannon realizes he is the weak link of the group (although there is no group left), he attempts to off himself.

MK-Ultra Project was a CIA program to try and make people perfect spies, not able to be interrogated or tortured for info. it started with drug experiments, and eventually moved on to brain washing and hypnosis where the "spy" didn't even know they were a spy.

The "observer" specifically asks the "father" how a program like this can exist when MK-Ultra was shut down because of the high civilian casualty rate. He responds to her (with all this crap ass muffled whispering) "there are no lines anymore," clearing implying the ends justify the means.

so the question of why would someone do this willingly is, sorry to say, a dumb question to ask. in the final shot the "observer" asks how they can turn an apoptosis person into a willing suicide bomber, then it cuts to the final scene of "congrats, phase 1 complete." clearly through phases 2 through 4 these soon to be "martyrs" will either be brain washed, or using the MK-Ultra hypnosis techniques, be turned into unknowing suicide bombers.

and then the questions with the math of why would they sacrifice 61,459 other people in order to find one good candidate is clearly answered too. If you read about the real life MK-Ultra project you would know that apparently our loving government does not find this bad math.


so even though this was not a total killer of a movie, please stop blaming the movie's supposed "plot holes" for your own ignorance. yes the whispering is annoying and hard to hear, but if you come into the movie with a little bit of previous brain power, there are no plot holes to blame.

Try the movie Primer if you're looking for something really mind blowing, because this movie couldn't be laid out any clearer.

"The search for truth and knowledge is often voiced loudly by those who strive for it the least"


thanks...i'll check out primer. i think imdb was where someone mentioned this so and i'm glad i rented it. it was interesting and a bit scary.


all of the above people visit an asylum. seriously you can't be praising this sick piece of *beep* they call a movie. a story about govt murdering innocent people and people praise such a *beep* ***puking again ***


Maybe their reasons for liking this movie had nothing to do with agreement with what the government did. Maybe they praise the movie for being informative and raising awareness about things that have or could happen.

I haven't watched the movie, but after reading this thread, I am considering it. I don't particularly care for violent movies or action movies, but I do care to be informed. No country is perfect. All countries want power and money. The United States is just more covert with their greed and terror than some other countries, so American citizens buy into the illusion that the country is more moral than others.


Ah, and "to be informed" you watch a movie that is a total fiction? So you get "informed" about what? The world view and/or imagination of the director and producer of the movie, who are unable to build a convincing story, not to mention documenting any real thing? This is not being "informed" this is just having your beliefs reinforced by fiction.

And even for a fiction this is a very bad one... Those "psychologists" giving their subjects "stimuli" in the form of Muslim prayers to test their inclination for self-sacrifice? Oh, and by the way, it actually IS called "self-sacrifice" or "altruism" in psychology, not "apoptosis". What a load of b-s! A movie about things that COULD happen? C'mon! It "raises awareness"? About what? About a fictitious project that makes no sense?

I think that many people who like this movie so much (despite it containing loads of pseudoscience and inconsistency) are those who like to be "informed" and "enlightened" like that, i.e. they like it when someone supports their world view and conspiracy theories they believe in. "Oh, look, there's a movie about things that could be real, so I am right!".


At least read the wikipedia entry - then make ill-informed and rude posts here on IMDB. Since when it's become so fashionable to boast of one's ignorance... sheesh...


It's still a *beep* movie


I was wondering if anyone else would make the connection to mkultra, this movie, and the mini-series "Persons Unknown". Most of the viewers of these shows aren't aware and are so confused as to what is going on, but a little research into the techniques used on the victims of mkultra and then watching these "programs" shows what we are really watching. This is what tptb bet on anyway when dealing with the ignorant public. Most television is full of mkultra references, but this one makes me catch my breath.


Youre talking out of your arse,no school teaches you about apoptosis or some CIA program that got shut down.Just because people didnt understand some of the film doesnt mean theyre uneducated or stupid.


obviously too stupid to type mkultra into google and exceptionally stupid to expect to be taught about it in school!


Good summary, thanks .


HAHAHA what a tool you are!
This movie sucked.
It pulled me in i was intrigued but then i found out what the movie was about..
post 9-11 stupid propaganda film that made no sense..
All that to find a suicide bomber? Are you serious?!?!
UMM how about you use your money and resources to make a drone!

And another thing, killing yourself to save another man in a crazy situation like this movie DOES NOT MAKE YOU A GOOD SUICIDE BOMBER CANDIDATE.
Yea Nick Cannon is gonna die for his county AKA the people who just traumatized him for life hahah

Also how dumb was it that not one person even had the thought that all the voices they heard were staged, i mean duh it is an experiment
