Is it even worth a try???

The majority of the reviews here have been that the movie is awful, is it even worth a try to go rent it for like the 2 bucks or whatever? Plus i have experienced movies that i thought were bad the first time but got funnier the more i watched it.


I am a diehard fan of the first movie, even consider it one of my favorite movies of all-time. I had some high expectations seeing Still Waiting was in production but lacked most of the original cast. When it ended up going straight to DVD, I started to wonder the reasoning behind it, so just rented it from redbox. It was horrible. I tried to give it a chance, but I completely lost interest in it it was that bad. Think I turned it off about 30 minutes in. It's not worth it. This movie was just a low budget cloning attempt at the exact same jokes used in the first, just didn't pack any punch or delivery.


I thought "Waiting..." was a brilliant movie so I was quick to rent this from Netflix when it came out. I couldn't get into it and only half watched it. There was just none of the magic that the first film had. This movie is a great example of the adage that "lightning doesn't strike twice". It's only been about 5 months since I rented it and I honestly can't even remember much about the movie. It's that forgettable. And that's saying something because there are movies I haven't seen since watching them in the cinema three years ago that I can still remember shot for shot.
I wouldn't say don't watch it because you might enjoy it more than I did. But don't expect to enjoy it as much as the original.

"I don't know. I'm making this up as I go." - Indiana Jones


Ignore them. I loved this movie. Maybe it was the fact that Justin Long's character failed at school and ended becoming a manager anyway, I don't know. I really enjoyed watching his character mope around and act like a bitter *beep* It definitely makes a good wrap up of the first movie.


if you want a few cheap laughs then I would say that it is worth it,, but if you are expecting it to be as good as the original or better, than I would have to say pass on this.

are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite
