dous anyone gets the end?

im dutch so im sorry if i spell something wrong,

but dous anyone get the end of the story, i dont..
i now why he gets free and everyting, but the end with antonio en that girl?
its just dousnt make any sense to me, but i hope someone can tell me?


Yes in one word 'LOVE'

I guess Antonio had enough of being a cop and decided that his new found love was the most important thing rather than his career!


The end made as much sense as the rest of the movie. That is, none at all.



Plot: I don't think the movie plot suggests that Banderas quit his job as an L.E.O., or that Mitchell will not continue with her career as an attorney.
And ...why didn't they actually DANCE?! Banderas is an awesome dancer. He's a fantastic actor and an all-around great guy.


Maybe he charges more for a role if he also dances.
