MovieChat Forums > Leverage (2008) Discussion > Favorite lines/quotes from Leverage

Favorite lines/quotes from Leverage

List your Favorite lines/quotes from Leverage, feel free to share the episode if you know it.


There are so many, but one of my favorites is:

Hardison: What's that smell?
Eliot: Fresh Air.
Hardison: I don't like it.


bad guy pulls back his jacket to show Elliot a gun: "I have a gun."

Elliot: "That's what makes this fair."


Damn it Hardison


Quinn to Chaos in The Last Dam Job
"How many fingers do you need to type? Round down!")


Eliot: It's a very distinctive [...].

"It's a real burden being right so often." Captain Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly


The Carnival Job:

Eliot: Damn it, Hardison. A little warning next time.
Hardison: Well, what you think "run like hell" meant?


Two good old boys/ Behind the wheel/ Chasin’ down bad guys/ In Lucille…

It's such an earworm, lol, but it's worth it (from The First Contact Job).

Cerulean Blue is like a gentle breeze


From the Rashomon Job:

Eliot: (on a cell phone) Why are you sending second rate thugs to try to kill me? (to the thug) If I'm not honest with you, you can't improve.


Eliot: (on a cell phone) Why are you sending second rate thugs to try to kill me? (to the thug) If I'm not honest with you, you can't improve.
I had forgotten that one! That was hysterical.

"It's a real burden being right so often." Captain Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly


Hardison: "Have you ever BEEN to Kiev? The Cake Baker of Kiev could whup all our asses...this is the BUTCHER!"

Nate: "Hardison dies in plan M."
Elliot: "I like plan M."

Elliot: "There was this girl in my hometown. Nothing ever came of it."
Hardison: "What did you do?"
Elliot: "What did I do? I went off and liberated Croatia!"
Hardison: "See, now I just would have got fat and opened up a comic book shop; that's you and me right there."

Parker (with Nates painting): "I'm big Nate and I live here too!"

Whores will have their trinkets.


Eliot: (on a cell phone) Why are you sending second rate thugs to try to kill me? (to the thug) If I'm not honest with you, you can't improve.

I freaking love that line! Frankly, however, I love every single thing Eliot says or does. I rewind and rewatch about 2/3rds of his scenes, no joke!




The Boiler Room Job

(the Driver looks at Nate, then makes a break for the door, pushing his way through the crowd. He runs into Eliot but only pushes him back a few feet. The Driver swings twice at Eliot who avoids the blows, then manages to punch Eliot in the face)

Eliot: Thanks, man. That's awesome. I hadn't hit anybody in over two weeks.

Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck


List your Favorite lines/quotes from Leverage, feel free to share the episode if you know it.

Quinn to Elliot in "The First David Job"


Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck
