imdb is racist

Odd coupling? I see nothing odd about this coupling. What are they implying?

Oscar winner Whoopi Goldberg will play Benjamin Bratt's ex-wife in a guest appearance on U.S. TV drama The Cleaner.

The odd coupling is part of a new plotline for the series' second season, which will see Goldberg return for a number of episodes, reports

It's not the only TV project Goldberg has been involved in - the co-host of U.S. talk show The View recently created and starred in a science-fiction mini-series which streamed online in January. You can help change the world.


I don't think that it's racist to say that it's an odd coupling, because I can't imagine any chemistry between them (then again, BB looks good, but has poor chemistry with most of his leading ladies in my opinion). I just think it's a shame that they're jumping the shark instead of trying to fix the program.


Racist? Really? Could you support this argument with say...something cogent? Oh wait, trolls don't do cogent. Sorry for the confusion. Carry on. (or not, please.)


I am curious why the writers decided to bring an ex-wife into the mix. Isn't his life troubled enough without having an ex-wife hanging around to add to the drama of the Banks faltering marriage. Will we see that there is another child as well that William has who hates him for never being in his life and we get to go through the rebellous child storyline all over again.


It's always been my opinion--and I stand by it--that they need to can his family altogether. Now they are bringing in another family member (or more than one)? I see the signs of a mid-season replacement in the offing.


Uhm. They were supposed to be married?
Wow, I totally missed this... Completely.
It is an odd coupling, and I don't think it's racist. If he was, say, Leonard Roberts from Heroes it'd STILL be an odd coupling.

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I don't think that it's racism.

It's definitely a stupid statement, but it's not racism.

The first thing I thought when I read that line, was that it might be a dig against Whoopi Goldberg's public persona as a wacky comedienne, and not as a serious actress.

Of course, anyone who had seen The Color Purple would tell you that notion is completely erroneous.

The reason I don't think it's racism, is because Benjamin Bratt (Anglophonic name, aside) isn't exactly a poster boy for "Whiteness" (if there even is such a thing).

Dude is more ethnic looking than Edward James Olmos.

So I really don't think race or ethnicity was what the writer was implying.



Wow, I must have dozed off, she was playing Benjamin Bratt's character ex-wife??!! Really?!


wait, this doesn't make any sense. whoopi goldberg's character is his sponsor or something along those lines. he's never mentioned having a previous marriage. as far as i remember, he married melissa pretty young and they have been through a lot together.

besides, the 2nd season is done and whoopi didn't join the cast, she was only in a few eps.

i'm proud to admit to never have watched a "reality" tv program!



No, I read the original article Sweiland is referring to when it was posted. It DID say Whoopi's character was supposed to be William's ex-wife. I guess they got it wrong, or the writers changed it later on. Maybe they actually listened when people said it was a weird pairing!


Nope. This is pretty much completely lacking in racism. Sorry.


It's not about the race, it about how they look. Bratt is a hot studmuffin & Goldberg, well... isn't.

