Fake votes!

Oh come on! A 9.5? Citizen Kane and Shawshank Redemption aren't even rated that high. The filmmakers obviously got all of their friends to log on and rate the movie a 10. Nobody gets so many "10" ratings, not even the best of movies. Guys, this makes it looks suspicious as hell, and amusing to boot.


Could be the entire cast including technical folks.

Seems to me there can be some funny business, with the voting thing, early on. Some bad movies show "waiting for 5 votes" way too long. I hope the organizers take care, to protect the integrity, at least as far as they can.



You are an idiot.


now the rating is a 7.7


it will fade into obscurity. its opening against Star Trek.

Next stop; Target clearance rack, fall 2009.


i hope that star trek gets into the top 200


Lol at some people gettin all upset over this movies rating..... Some people are way to into being a IMDb.com member lol

We can DO IT ALLLL DAY LONG, (We'll have to pay more for the light bill if we do it at night!)


I hope the OP has a hissy fit over the COUNTLESS number of films that get 1's from people that have yet to see the film they rate.

I'm sure the rating will go down... but if it stays above a 6 I think thats a triumph for an urban themed movie on IMDB. These types of films usually get trashed by people that have not even seen it.

"Nice dolphin n!gga..." Monk


Wow!! IMDB users actually voting a mostly black cast movie up instead of down...that is absurd!



Don't get ahead of yourself... There's less than 500 votes, and now it's already in the 6's.


Well they tried to remedy that. It's had 915 votes now and 322 people have given this 10/10. I mean seriously, does anyone believe that 1 in 3 viewers genuinely gave this full marks? I haven't seen it and don't plan to. Any movie that needs so many shills out manipulating its IMDB rating gets an automatic thumbs-down from me. It's obvious they sent out their reps early on to get that 9/10 score up, then as time went on and the rating dropped they sent even more people out to try bumping it back up. It now scores 6.2/10. And if all the 10/10's (322 of them) and all the 1/10's (141 of them) were removed it would score even lower.


Figure the black's vote 10, the rest vote 2-5 and average it out. Maybe some bonus press on a shooting theater. BTW, saw the screener, and it is going to be a bottom 10 movie for 09. Even the black reviewer on CH4 in KC panned it. This is the same putz that said Gran Torino and Clint were racist, lol.


I liked it... I'm giving it an 8.

"Nice dolphin n!gga..." Monk


So if the Black reviewer panned it then why are you assuming "the blacks" gave it a 10?


Hey owenandowen a.k.a mr.racist jack@$$ "the blacks" really?
2-5 right?..Let me guess,you have a mental block towards movies with "the blacks" as the actors right? Well I'm a "the black" that watches a wide spetrum of movies & I thought this movie was a good effort I'd give it about a 7.5 & not because us "colored n****rs" were the stars BUT because it WAS A GOOD MOVIE.Picture the same movie with all the stars as "the whites" & "speaking better" you'll be suprised how your rating will "unexplainably" jump up a few stars!


Now it's a 6.5



this is what torrents are for... download the movie, give it a go and if you like it, THEN go buy it. Why spend money renting something that turns out to be *beep*


I've got a news flash for you genius. Every movie gets fake votes! Only a high number of votes will give you a realistic average(Maybe). Duh!


Cost of making movie - millions...cost of rigging votes on the most popular movie site in the world - free. If I made a movie I must admit it would run through my mind too, especially if it was a stinker
