I LOVED this movie!

I really wasn't expecting to, but Isla Fisher did a fantastic job, and her character reminded me of myself in a lot of embarrassing ways. And it wasn't a one-dimensional movie, it really had alot to it, I felt. Great movie.

not on my watch, beeyotch.
-liz lemon


I thought it was cute, I gave it 3/5. Isla Fisher is absolutely adorable in everything!

I would never have guessed that true romance and Detroit would ever go together.


I loved this movie too...a lot...and have seen it...a lot. lol.

Check out my P&P (2005) forum:


I'm glad someone else loved it. I'm tired of seeing all the negative posts about the movie. Yes it wasn't done exactly as the book, but it was done well. And if you look at it separate from the books people would see that. It was a great movie that had me laughing hysterically and I think that is a really good thing for a movie to be able to do!


I'm glad someone else loved it. I'm tired of seeing all the negative posts about the movie. Yes it wasn't done exactly as the book, but it was done well. And if you look at it separate from the books people would see that. It was a great movie that had me laughing hysterically and I think that is a really good thing for a movie to be able to do!

A lot of people I know loved and enjoyed this movie (and LOL a lot) when they saw it (whether or not they've read the books) and they understood that this movie was not very close to the books, but they still loved it anyway. Some of them even said, they loved the movie even more than the books or that the movie was very funny (even with scenes that were not from the book such as the Rebecca googles scene, her trying to get the mixed up letter from Alette Magazine building , her meeting with the Finnish guys and her pretending to speak Finnish..."yayn, yayn. He's so funny I can't even translate that." , and most esp. the hilarious fan dancing scene, which Isla Fisher herself improvised/invented and added for that scene ... that scene was what most people LOL the most ...and the job interview too esp. her pointing at the naked man behind Luke's desk and window ...)

I think a lot of negativity comes from the people who either hasn't seen it or those who are mostly fans of the books (that they want the movie to be an exact replica and are not open minded that movies will always be different and take liberties from the books, but they'll hate a movie...even a good one like this just because it wasn't like how they want to see it from the books, lol).

Check out my P&P (2005) forum:


the film was just a waste of time and money. Nothing redeeming about the film, characters and heroes. 0/10


I really liked it, I don't understand why it has such low ratings here. It isn't completely predictable, nor is it too sappy or fluffy. I'd give it a 7 out of 10.



loved the scene in the ballroom kitchen where the man in charge suddenly startles Rebecca as she's digging for the champagne bottle, an excellent bit of comic editing.


You LOVED this movie? You think it's a great movie?

Congratulations for being proof..
